Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

_. . -... ,.~ <tt~J~tftiatt .-uti; . :· : . 5. 9 emi~e?t, that _have~ee.n moft with~od iritecret Prayer : ler ·Scnpture andHtftory fpeak, tune and room \Vould fail ~e ~o ~nrii?ctrate. \Vho mor~ fa.mo~s for pietY.:1nd_ learnmg of late years, than the great Vfher? It was his' · ufual practice to iequeft:er hi~felf iq-: . . ,l; • . ~ to fonle privacy, anQ to fpend it io pr. Bernard, the· firiCl ex~minai:ion, peniten'tia( •hri.. I!fe and death :ef miliation; and ardent fupplication., Dr. Vjher~ P· 27 ·, ~.nd this he foupd fweet .to his foul; and others faw the effect. ' . ./ sE: cr. vi~ ' .· The iaft ~eward 'offtcret Praver is,at thegreat ndy: 4 ~ T' He ~aft ~ocl chiefeft_ ~eward th,at our he~~eply ,F~~~ _ . t.her wtll befi:ow on thofe that have watted on Go,d'in fecret Prayer,will be theopena(:knowledg~ent .and acceptance \of them at that folemn day of J udg~,. I menr,when thewhole wodd {ball be fummonedbefore the-i:ord,.A?Jd every_ Bnejhall receifUe·the thin_~s dQne in hi~ body, Recording iowhat he hath done, whether it .~eg-0o~ or bad, 2 ClW.5·· ro._Then our blelfed S~viour,whofhalbeJudge, will fiogle out this feed of.Jac~b, · and tel~ , them t~ey ~ave not fought his face in va_in; ~C: will no\V ·folemrily,?ck~owle~ge, ~hem. befo~e , ~is Fa~her ~nd all the holy Ange ls,as perions wtth.Y'hqmhe ha~h had fa~ .~niliar ~cquaintauce ~n acorner :Oh t~e j_oy and triumph i,n fu.ch a pmblick acknowledgment : _ W.h~~ our dear, .Redeemer !hallfp~k ~ucha la3guage as~hisbefo~e.~hoJ:e inyr~ads of,creature~! This,or ~~at ~oul(c~Uing it Jor~h: Wtth honour) thOllghnot taken n9ttce of ti_l the Wodd for lteligion;, nitich lefs for worldly G~eat~iefs, hat~_ --fee hadintimat~ (an~iliariFY ~ith m:y fe~f, . a~d. 'I ,_wjtb;· ~ttrl .; he hath perfQrmed mauy a folemnduty whtc~ none but an .O~ifcient eye hath feeu : though he h~tli D 2 lived.