Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

·-. 46 Cltl~ftt~10·~arer~ ~ is a real Prayer ; i'f the defire 'be right, .w-ords are theoutwardgarb, habit, or cloaths (as I may fo fay) Prayer, the carcafs or !helJ of the duty, ardent d are the life, kernel~ marrow .of the Exod. I 4, I S• performance : Hence we find 1 Sam. 1. I 3. · 7f ~ , r. H. h 1d 7\ T h · · h Neh. 2 , 4 • · .tv~o1es, ann~ , an .Lv~ enna , faJd to pray;, when Scnpture doth not exprefs a word they fpeak, nor is it probable they did make an artkulate found : I fpeak not this to · · . . dulge ca~nal men in, their lazy Deus e~audz: n~n fo.·, ceited ejaculations, as though lum pr~ces. Jnol.i~at~~ could pray well enough and nA'tTAII 'Uas fed &;optat£-r.:a,~, • • ' Luth. . ' .. fpeak , or while they are w w~lking, talking : Let me hint wordby tbe ,.v.ay toth~fe. Confider, filly foul,God given thee 'a bQ.dy,· ·and ~hou muA: offer it to God as reafonable facrjfice ; t~ou art bound in confcience pray and praife,~od with thy tongue, which is th ·glory ; ~ea let me t~ll thee, if thqu haft thofe of body, ancJ. an opporrunity to pr,ay thus folemn with thy tongue upo~ ~hy ~nees, ana doft never do I queftion whetfter thou pray~il: at aU ·or no, fince fiveft in the .apparent riegletl: ofa known duty ··:· . w I fpeak rif the S~ints r~al ( thoug~ fotnetimes wit vocal) ,Prayers ts to c6mmend the duty, and eo thofe Saints that may be p.ut to thefe'exigencies, though they cannot fpeak, yet ~hey may p~ay, and heard and anfwered. ' · · · · · · ·' SECT. lit. Shewing the Power of Prayw~ ., I ~ight from hence take ~ccafion to difcover t firength a1;1d efficacy ofthis duty of Prayer, ,. the f:~fidera~!~n of ~f~t~~rayer : !hough~uta