Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

4· _ <Itlofet~-~ctt!et; of iecret Prayer: this gains him no credit with men, and therefore is little uied. This (rightly perfortned) opens the heart to God, which the unfound proftffor · dare not do : I fhcill tb-ewhereafter>whether theHypo· crite may ufe Clofet~Prayer, and wherein he is diH:in .. guifht from a fincere foul in tha~ duty· At prefent I am reproving thofethat never ufe it, thaclook upon it as --below .them; they either dare not be alone,or icorn.to ftoop fo low, and ftgh out their hearts to God in a cor– , ner,as though they would ·~ot be_beholding to rh~ great God for any mercy ; but tn thetr hearts and practice l fpeak the language of thofe p·roudAt.heijfs in Jer~2.3 I. We.are 'Lords, We 1 .will come n9 more _unto thee? :Butlet. fuch know rhey ihall dye like Men, and bedatnn'd like Devils; that imagine they are gods.,and will not bebe· holding to·our.G-oclfor mercy : Lord have Qlercy on 1. thefi: poor prayerlefs finner!, th~t underfiand not the neceffityandmyfiery ofClofet-~er, but look upon it as n·eedlefs and. are ready ·to fay, Mmare ado than needs : but let thefe prepa're ro make good that defl tate affertion at the Bar ofGods juftice with flames .; · bout their ears, and let fach know that God will anfw their cavils agai11ft plain duty, afrer another ma 'than his Minifters can do now. Towhieh dreadful J ment we leave them,exceP,t prevente~ bya fpeedy f.'incere Repentance. . · ., I ' ·" sEc r.. n. I .. / The Godly repro11ed. BUt theperfons tobeprincipaily reproved at pr · are the profeffors ·of Religion, that ackne·· 9 ......... ~ .. this to be'a duty,but grievoufiyneglect it. I fear, Children are not fo conftant and confcientious in performance of this duty of Clofet-Prayer as