Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

·~6 Cltlofet~~~al!et, wrefile' for us, and is it not neceffary we fhould wre-. file withGod for our own fouls? o ·r,doth ChrHh pray. ing for us excuie our ~pleadiog for our felv.es? No·, no, as it was for our exampleand benefit in~hedays of hi's · :flef11, fo his pre!ent interceffion .in Heaven ·cloth both imply and :incourage our praying : for we are to ask in .his name, and iinploy our dear Advoca~e., tha-t we· may fpeed: and lhall not \Ve (as it were) fet him a·wor.k, and fend-upour Prayers ro be mixt with ·his fweet in· cenfe? The Lord humble us for, and pardon to us our negle0s apd omiffions !. . 2. Areyou not he_rein~·ery unlike the Saint~ ofGod? The f~ed Qf j(J,cob are wrell:lers with God. Goal hath no Children fiilpbon), they all ·cry .Abba, Father: 1acob wretUed·withG.od in fecret Prayer., and ever fince,.aU the Saints iu all ages have born that name, Ffal. 24. 6. This is the generation of them that {eek__him, ·that feekJhy Ph l . . 6 · face; .o Jacob, Sel·ah; i.-e. That feek a~· 32 • ~ ·. tne Gm:l ofJatou~a$(jacob did. And indeedevery one Fhat is godly wiH thus pta:y. There 1night be brought a cloud .of witneffes in ·an ages of praying·Sai'nts,that converfedwi,th God in fecret: 'Tis recorde4.of the Apofile c;atJ1es,: thar_his. knees were as hard as Caroels feet with praying:· Some . nave fought . out for private places to pray in, others have.rifen out . ~ftheir~~beds to pray;o.thers havefetdays apart to·hum.o bietryeqtfelv.esin fecretby Fafting and Prayer, oth.ers would never adventure on bufinefs without feekmg God: _Such as are acquainted wit~ Ecclefiaftical Hifto– ries., or (:hrifii~n Experiences, ·1nay find ftore of in– i1ances ofthi~iott ~ . And wl)y ilipuldwebe unlike our \Brethrc.n? Have we.not al1 one Spirit.,as well a.s all oR.e Father? _And is not this a Spirit of Grace and ~Su .pplt... cation? And is it not that which Oll all occafiohs dra'\VS ihe Soul to its Father?. ~Tis faid ofPaul, when new.Iy converted, Beholdhe.pr~tyeth, Aa. 9· .J 1. Others do not