Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

. The Epiftle to the Reader. to oppo[e the Pope, [Frater vade in c~llam, & die, MiCe~ rere mei 'IDeus :] Bro.ther, go into thy cell, and (ay, God be merciful unto me; fo (ay[. AlM; thv intereft ttnd in– fluence reacheth but a little ,way to mend a wick§d world., ( thq~gh thou muft fee~ to.perform as far as thy place an/. ca/Jinge~tends;) but go thyw'ay to thy God in thy Clo{et, bewail thy fins, and the [i17s ofothers: plead with God for .thine ownfoul -~· J!ufie thy{tlfabeut thy felf, [et all {traight ,at home, tak.{heed of that which thtJ poo-r Church complains of, Cant. ·I. 6. They made me .the keceper of theVine.. yards, but mine own Vineyard have I not kept. Oh .leave other thi7:~gs undone, rather than thisgreat matt~r, that concerns the affairs ofthine own {out. . . ·. Mr. Fox tells tu ofone Peter Moyc€, aGerman Martyr, being called before the Synod at ~ M r.r r' D . .k h b . h. A-..[s & on. 2 r o .. , . orntc ·' t ey . eg!ln to exa~~ne zm lib. 8.fol. l 2 ~· z,n certatn Arttcles of Reltgr,on, to whom M hewas abo~tt io ~tnfwer boldly and exprejly to e·ve· ry point, they interrupting him, bad-him fay in ·twuwords, Y,ea or Nay: Then, [aid he, ~fyou will l'ftot fojfer me to anfrper,for my [elfin thingJ offuch importance, (end.me to my Pri(on again amoni' my·Toads and FroJ_s, tvhich will .not interrupt me while I talk with my Lord my God. Oh Chrijlian, the time mvzy come, wh'(n men may jftJp thy mouth, A-nd will not Jujfer thee to witnefs 'agood confejfi· en, ·withdraw thy }elffrom men, and retire unto thy God, who will make thee freely welcom to pour· out' thy foul ttJ ~im in fecret: . . He'I neither flop thy mouth nor ftop his ear'; he bids th"ce, Open thy mouth wide, P_(al. 81. 10. Andhe tells thoe;His ear is open to thycry, P[al.34·15. Thou ,canft not aJk._fuch great things as he can aljd will give-: Onlyfe~ thou beeft a Child ofGod. · Natutdlifts tell ofa·piecious Stone of an excellent vertue, yet loftth 'itlt #s efficA-cy when 'tis put 'into a dead mani'mouth: (o Praje"f! in ~ the lips'of·'a Saint .or a righteous man, availeth much ; tbut thePrayer ·ofthe wi,ked u not only ine!fetJual, ( . .A 4