Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

58 · ~lQfet~~-~a~tt, I I 0 forget thy fwe~tefl: vJrefi ling-place?Why dofr thou nqt 'in,quire for theie good qld \Va~e~ ·of comm·~nio~ wi~h thyGod? , · · r . ' Saints neglects, further rcpr~ved .. 4· LEt me furt~er e~pofl:ulate with GodsChildren,, · that are rarely exerciied in th~s duty·of ~ecret: Prayer. · · ' · . ~ ' · · , ' Do"youno.t depr~ve · you~ felv~s of tnany fwee~ r~· fre!hments ?Have not y~u~ foulshad fweer expertence ·of ravilhing incom~s i~ fecret duties ?Howmany plea– fant morfelshave yQuearenaloqe? Have notthefe tl.olen water~ pee,n tweet ?' Anq would they not be fo again,if you would open the fame fluice?Oh w~athio,ts of love p1ightyour fo.uls have,tha~no creature wouldknowof! Secret ipfluences ar~ ~onveyed to fo~Is in fe~ret duties; tbefe you·· blocri up .oyn.egletl:: Ah firs, Are the confo· lations ·ofQod frnall t~ you? Is communion with God of noworth? Why are you fo unwilling to take pains to go to your Father ·?· Efp,ecially when you' know·he ~ath akindnefsfor you ?Have you ever1oft by fuch du– ties? Will no(your : gains infinitely contervail your -pains? A~k thofe that ufe_it moft; they will tell you, it is the£weeteft titne they fpencl : Yea, cnn~ot y~~r bwn experience atteft it? Didyou ever lofe you~ lao~ bour w~eri you fer your felves ~bout the work in-good earnefl:? Hath not this clofe and p~ivy tradiMg with God brought in much fpiritual profit?Beloved friends, you litt~~-· ~?.n~der the good yo_umifs of, for want of perf?rmtng thts exc~llent duty: ' But th~t'~ not all. : 5~ Do y()u not l>y negleCt of fecret praver expoHa your felves 'to mat.. y fa .: temptations? Watc~ing an fra)l~r ~re ~n:guJai· helps aga~ft temptat~on, i,'JAt 1• ~- . ll . • - • 26. 4-l