9. .~~ttltau ~ttr. 6l ·Saints i$ defirable, bur e)tternal Comlnunion is not at~ ways at~ainable: yeu may be thruft out by divine Pro-: viqence, qp,w 1 it will be fad to be at a 1ofs when perions arealone : '~is a ~ra~ge_expreffi?n of fo~e., t~at_they know not ho\V to hve,tf iuch and luch Chnfhan fnends pr go~ly Relati,q~s be taken away ; why wh~t's the ~atter? Are they in the place of God? Is your fpiritual life maintained by the leaden pipes, or by the living fprings that flream thto~gh them ? Alas, firs, if you more unde_rllood and u!ed this art ofdrawing influen– ~es from God immediately through Chrifi by fecret Praye-r, you wouldnot be f(), gifcour~ged w~th the Iofs of friends; you would fay, Indeed ·Lis true, n1y lofs is grear,fuch a onehad a notable gift in Prayer, and fpoke . my very heart to God, but ~hough he /be gone, is my God gone ? Is Prayer gone? Though I cannot get fuch movingexpreffions as fuch had, yet I opene<:f my heart t~ God as I could in fecret formerly; and there's the fame refuge· ~ow, thefame roadunto this Cityan'd San· . ttuary I went· in, and therefore all my c;omfon is nor gone, bleffe9 be my God: But a poor foul·that hath leaned upon the fiaff of others· inlargements will be fhrewdly put to it when that ftaff is gone : AndT Is it not a great difparagemeiJt to a noble _and immortal Sour, that it cannot rr,ear andentertain itsGod alone ( What., · cannot Godand·an Heaven"bornSoul converfe_together· without Auxiliaries? Mull: another interpofe as an in– ft~ument, without whom 'you cannot injoycommuriion: with God? Be afhamed of it, and chide your .felves., as ~ot aeting fuirably to your rarion~l1pirits, much lefs to ~ fupernatural Principlepf grace. . · . 10. LatHy, let me further deman:4 of you, what if our Lord lhould c;all you away and find you under the guilt of the·neglect of this known duty? What confu... ~on., grief, and jealoufie would polfefs you ifdeath ar– r~(t you in f~ch '\ fiat~ ?_ /Wh~t an hurry was forlorn · . ·· · · : . ·: StHtl