Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

68 ~lotet~~~a~et; about is of the greateft importance, l mufl: confult how I rr.ay attend upon the Lor,d without diftratlion, and worldly 11\ahers have difiraeted me in c&otl's 'iervice, and have coft me ~any a tear ; the:efote get away ~· from me. Why fhould the work of the Lord cea{e~ • 1 Why,!hould Ibe hindredfrom my God? What cart you afford n1e that canbe :worthone hours communion with myGod? Thus doyou aClually renounce the w9rld1f6r you cannot mind two things at once: And obferve it, Jfyou leave any matters of the world tarrying for your ::1ttendanse., tne thoughts of thern' will attend yoa, and make you cut yout ·duties fhort~ atid' ru'n away before your hearts be warmed -: Therefore, -if ir may be, di– fpatch. thetn, however rid your hearts of them :. The , · HeathE-n left their Shooes at theTemple-doors, to fhew that all e~nhly occafions and affeCtions 1nuft be left b~ hind whet1 we go to God.- ,. · . .. .. .. ... .. ~ •\ ' ' ' ·Let vain or'bsifie tho'i~_ghts have t!Je;e ·11o par'i: , Bri11l; not thy Plo"t~h, ·thy Plots, thy Pleafures thither, Chrift.purg'd hiS -Temple, (o mt~ft thiu thy heart• .All worldly thoughts are but thieves met togetl7er To couz.,en thee.._:_ ~erbert. ' -~ . , SEtT. I I. ' ----- ' ' \ ..-– ----- • . Two more Preparative$ to Secret Pit:(y~r~ · . 3. SEt your r:Iv~s in G~.~s prefence : Although you . be not wtthtn the vt~w of any ,morta! creatnre, yet the eternal-God fees what you are a gotng about: So faith the Text, Tour Fitther fees in. fecret, darknefi or dofenefs hides not from him: and 'tis more that olie , God fees you, thanif all the menonearthgazed at you : His ey'es are ten thoufand times brighter than the Sun, - · '· and