Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

\ a <JtfJ~ttltaft. ~utr; . ·and he is of purer eyes than to. be- . hold iniquity · .therefore wath your Hab. 1 • · 1 '· h d . ·. ' b r: J.. Pf.tl. 26. 6. an s tn tnnocency etorc you corriPfal. ®6.· 1 g. 6~ .. pafs his Altar: For if y-Ou regard ini- . quiry in your heatt{ 'Gbd will not hear your Prayer : ·Fherefore let the Lord always before you, efpecially nowyouarefetting yourfelves before the·Lord; ifchat Caveat was · enou.gh to beget reve- · . . .. , fence in an Heathen, Cat.o fees thee ; Cave, [pe6lat Cato• .Oh what .reverence would the fen!e of GQds omniprefence beget in thy heart, ~if duly weighed? Chrifiians, -weight your fpir.its 'with fuch Meditations as .thefe; God's eye is never offme, I am daily walking in the, Sun; but no\v, I iun fetti~ my felf~o p~ay in fecret; I come to ·appear before God in a fpecial manner; I may deceive men and tny {elf, but God will ,not be mocked; I had · n~ed now engagemy heart toapproa·ch unto God, that's thething he loo~s for. Oh for afpirit fuitable to fuch a Majefty whom I come to worlhip! Lord, draw out 'my affections; unire my heart, excite my gr-ace~, that my-wholeSoul may be carryed after God ~ Thus commit thy works to the Lord, and rhy t'houghts lhan · b~ eftablifhed : when . ·· thou .art fe~dng thy face towards· a ;~~~. 3J6.s~~ ·. duty, where ~hou art fu re to meet · · . ' Sat~n, and carry with thee a corrupt deceitful hearr, let God .kno.w from thy mouth whither thou .art going, what thy fears are. Never (faith one) doth the.fou~ march in fo goodorder, as when it puts it felf under ~he conducl. of God ; ,and never is it.fo awful, as when 1t ~fets · it felf under·the eye afGod, Gen. 17. I . 1am. God Almighty)trziitl~ before me,andbe 'tk~uperfect. \"f./hen y~u fenfibl y difcern you are kneelmg before.God, ~tU not this make yon p~rf~ct,-fincere, aud grow ho– lter? If you thinkGodbe not in your Clofets, wh~tdo You go topray there for? And if you know he fees you F · · tbe~e,