Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

' ·•· I 74 ~lpfet~~~tJrefr; , . . foul, m~nd, ftrength, is a keeping "of tpe La'w, and· ~ore than alJ .whole ~urnt~offerings a~1d facrifices : We fhould pray with every faculty of the foul, ~nd with the utmoil: ftrengrh of every facui– M~t. 1 5,· s, 9· · ty: God deferves and requires our firong~R: affeClions: That's. but a vain 'vorfhip that's performed without the heart; right attendance on J , G'od is an ingaging the heart to ap. . er. ·3,_o. · 2- 1~ ' proach to God~ Chrifii3;os, in· aU your addrelfes to God, mind the object of wor!bip; Jet thefuhject worfhipping, and objeC:t.wodhipped, be clofely unite~; look.beyon<l th~ duty : it's one thing tQ havecommu.nion with an Ordinance; and another thing to have communion V\7 ith God in an Ordinance. God~ dear Children know what this means; for fometimes they are mo'r'e taken up.\vith expre$ons, affections, or fome accidentals ~n the perf~rmance, than with the·ob· jeer of worfhip they iliouldbe intent upon : I aut this i~ very dangerous; for wh~tfoever interpofeth betwixt the fqul and God, to divert the thoughts from Ood, is '?' , · , ~nldol:Ez..e~I4·3·The{emenhavefet · 'Oun~ ~9gv'TO ,7rl. , ~p their Idols in their heart~. Sept. reads Jf~v<J!'f~·r~ ~u-: it, they have put their thoughts upon 7WV £7!1 7r}..~ 1@~\ h . h \ . Tt: h . JY~ duwv. 7o. t etr 'earts,1. e. 1iey ave (:ornmtt~ · · ' ,ted Idolatry .with their own imagi.. natioAS: infl:~ad of worfhipping God, their mipds have fiuck upon fometbing fhort ot G:oJ, after which they ,have(asit were) run a whoring even in theduty. I fhall not deliyer that ~s the fenfe of the place, yet it may,be an ufeful note: I fear many of us a~e guilty of a. kind 9ffpirirual fine-fpunldolatry, byheterogeneal thoughts ~n -holy.duties, ,th~t pluck us fromGod, \vhen we are approach.ng to him. :(heLord humb~us for ·this, and fix our thoughts·upon God, that we may fay as the ·~hu~ch~ !fa.. 2641 S.. The deftr~ ofo11r foHl H. to th1- name, ; ·: , · · · · · · and . • l .J ~ I -' i-~