Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

8.t a~I prayer, which I might urge with reference to this duty .of fecret Prayer, as 1. A right under~ancJing, I Cor~ 14· 1 5. I wilt pray with ' unaerft.andin.e: For blind devotion is not.pleafing to God ~ ' 2. A i~mfibJe feeling ofour wants, we mu~ c~.me w~ary and heavy laden, Mat .ti 1.2.8. Preffed wtth the gu1~t offin, pinch... · ·ed with want of grace: 3~ Fervency ·offpirit, James S •. 1i. arifing from aconfideratio~ ·of the neceffity and excellency of what we defire,burntng zeal : 4· Areve:- . rent difpofition, Eccl. 5· 2. an unfeigned abafingof our felves before ~i~,·f~om the fenfe of his in~nite Majefry . and qur own tndtgntty: 5. S~cret pe~fwafions of pre.-.. vailing, 1 Tim: 2. 8. grounded on Goqs AU-fufficiency and Fidelity~ though the foul be uowotthy : 6.- A cha– ritable difpofition; forgiving othe~s., Mat. 6. 1 4· bear– ing.an endeared affeCtion to aU Satnts: 7· Perf~vetance in Prayer, holdingon without ceffation, Eph.6.18. Fol- _ lowjng.Go<fin the duty all our dayes.: Such as thefe · con~itutive in&redienrs effen; ialiy requifite in the duty , ofPrayer,_1mtght _urge., but muil contract. ~ , . This is the fecond fort ofDirections. · ' . . C 'H .A P..· VI. ". ' ' .4 . ' ... ·7he ~ir.cumjlttn~es ofSecret Prayer, opened• . ' .. .. ·sEC .T. , I. ) • 1 J '.) • r - A ,.. ' H~ ~bird head ofJnftructioQs .concerning Clofet~ ,- Pr~yer, is the Circumftances tliat atcend it, ~hich ybe a great furtherance or hinderance in.this per-. man~e. Th'efe are four.: .. >· · ' '