Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

f ,• '· \ I ' . ~ ·. ·· ~ t• Place:. " Re.ferring tither 2 • . Pofture.· · to the . 3· Sea{o11. (\ -~. ' . :. ~~ . ' . 4 rr.o;""e .' ' '.,, ', ,· ~"' . •. y ' ~" . d .. ~ • ' I fhall bu.~ br_iefly touch _at there~· . . , . 1. For the Plar;e, I adv1fe you to chufe the niolt te.. tired room,wbere·you triay be f~eeft from difl:ur.bance; t~at y_ou may not. he~r the noiie of.the family or di– ftralhng commottons of a tumulrut>ui world : be not , curipas in the choice of a place,. io it accomplifh your endfor fecrecy or retirement ~ no matter how homely it be, · the fweetnefs of the cotnpany will cotnpenfate the me;~.nnefs of.the place ; Loverscare not where they meet, Jo they ma.yconveniently be together: If you have ·not a conventent room within doors, yet a good heart will not difaain to gon?eet it.s beloved .in.anycoat, or bam.,or wood .: Ifaac.walk! out i-nto the F~elds to pray and meditate: See·you chufe. aprivateplace whereverit be, according to the qatureof the duty; befoteopened to you; obferve God's providence indifpofing of you, and accept filch pla~e as h€ fhall offer. to)yori. .. · _ i. For Pofture; In general, fee .that. you ufe-an hum· ble gefl:ure, there.are examples offeverallaudable ge· ftures in Prayer; fometimes we fin~ Saints fl:anding., br· dinaritykneeling, fpreading forth their hands, lifting .up their eyes towarcls Heav€n ; fometimes proflrati9g the body all along upon the Earth before the Lord you may do in this as you ·find moft advantageous in your experien.ce: no univerfal rules Cin be given as to thefe particularcircumftances; only fee that your · .fet-Prayers ~e \Vith as much reverence as if yoa before others,confider,your hodies areGods, a~ be prefented.as a facrifice toGod : He will b~· · ped with the outward as well as in\vard man ; you