Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

.!6 <It·loret~10~it~et; , . tablenef~· ; you are to moiitn for it, ·ih(t.uire tb~ .cattfe ofit, reflect uponyo~rfekres,- fee wharguiU there } 5 : Bpon confcience, whi<:h fepatates be~wlx~ i.God and v?hr fou~s c: ~~d the~ (l~t}z?-1~ p~tm:i~)1 '·~~1tt'o't · a~~in~ lament d1e E_rt; be thgenftous 111 tonfe.ffibn, · 111a~~ flrong~f refdlhtions,rehl?Ve,~1l obil:hiClidns, tha~ G~d : and ybur fouls may not 'be !at any d-i-Rat1ce., , recko1): l ftreight,a~d make llp . y'our accounts, pahCJfrie'n~s,th~t i' you rhhy ineet frie~ds t~~ ~ext t~me _you gohi hitn1 :' If you.fihd that Gotl h~tb Helped; melted, ada·>gtatioun.y. riiarlifefteci HihlfelftB your fouls, rake:fl'eeiaFhdtice-9f.. ·ir, record that fdr tif!!e t.o ~~~e,ili~h~- ~bt ~ne le~O:. ap.. ! . ' p~atancesdf . Gdd, o~n ~~rrt • .. ?' pratfe ·~~m..for · ~hefe ~ fweet marlife{bititlns ofhts Hjve: Learn this lelforl even ' of Hap:ittr tlie Horiciwo.rrian : wHen fhe, w~s in a iblirct- · CJ . . ryWilderqeffe, the Angel of the Lord comforts her, 'tells her Qod·hadheard her affiiCl:ion, lhe was rwirh· child, her feed fhould b~ m.u,ltiplied, !he in an anfwera– ble return to God for his k!ndnefs, fets an Afterifm of Obfervationupon theplace; · as a memorial -of ·~od's feeing,andloo_king after her,So the weBwas Ctflled "B~erla~hai-roi·, i.e. the Well.·of him that liv.eth, .·aJ?d feefn me,Gen. iS~ 13, 14. Thus do you : t~ink ·arid think a– gain' Oh1 who, or,what am I, that God·.fhduld lodk. after me,or take_notice of rne·in this defotare- ftate and place! I fhall rem.en1ber this timeof lovewhileft I live; in fuch a room .I met with God, fuch a Chamber or Clo~ fet .was aB.ethel,.aMount Nebo,aSycomere-tree.,where I beheldmy JejUJ,and took a- bleffed vie\v ofthe pronii– fed land. ·~s--'~ Thus Chriftians,refletl upon,~nd· recolJett you't e~pe.r~entes in Go~s prefence; ~hich may be of I · ufe tmtO' you all your dttes. , 1 · . l . Lei: yout . eatriages af all .times·; be fuitable td you~Clofet•ptayer ;: te~ it appear that ~~uare wholly dev~ted to God: crdfs·nm your prayers With your practices; pr~y much and ltve·weU; Let it appear yoil. , · have