Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

. ~ lf~ct:#•.t{(afox4~l c' ) <' .may ·be bapp!e in th~ . enjoy~enc· of Hitn: · ·/ ·A,r~ you aflra1p3)f be1ng ba.J:?ple 1 wb~,_but Jon1b~.s; - foolifh m~n-.w-otJld foda~e htS{oWn m.ercte~.f · Shall God· fe~ . up. an office of.· Gr~ce ln~ Chdll:, andwiil)ndigent fotile.~ take/no ha_- · · . tic_e of it ? you cannot grieve him worfe. · ;rha1r-rrr ·rregrett ""his ;niintri · conaetcenriori; -· a.nd tender )ffeaiRit· . ~f .a ·p1ightie - 1 King Jboula open his- .Tr.eafure , and pid men come , and bring their b~ggs , ~.and; take 'as much a$ they .defrred, do. .\y.ou think they • would negleCt thi~ occafion of enriching ,. ·:thcmfelves t Surety no, tlieywould rather ftuch .bag after ·b.ag, (for fcarce is any wea~y of taking money) and ·wich the poor wo-- pun in facred Hory, borrow relfc!J thtet ma1 - 'conta:n larger; Trr4[ures -~ ·T-he· ~od of ,1:-Iea:. ' ·veri hadt,made·.a gl'ori:ous Proclamation of (ce1ttering precious-Treafures j . Do·yo_uque-– ftion, whether ' he intends as ·He fpeaketh ? 'God forbvd; Or ., · d9 you fear being \Vel~. come? Why, you are moft welcome wheo you come for·the grearcfl: fuare ; Do you fear , unwenhine(~ will hinder you? l {ay, fenfe of - .. , I . ·UU~orthinefs. \yilJ help you tU be~ Ca\)abJe ~f · . gr~ater Recetts: J?o you fear thefe Trea• ./ ~ fures of Heaven wtll be exbaufied by tbe . Myriaa$ of fo'ul~s that are ~fupplyed there~ :. ·· ·· . . frotn? Know 1c Sirs,' the Royal Exchequer ·' ·_ ,. . .... ' is as- rich this ~ay, as ir. was ' wqen 'Chrift. -1 _•• . : · w-as fit ft. pr9mtfed, or the fidt man faved ; < ·r . . , .thefe are .riches-.of grace, ..ari in-exh~ullible · , . "Spring : diflrib~ttion . cloth . not impair it$ . ful~Kife ) no . mut::e than' the Suns fuiiiing ' I ' , dotli ·. ·