Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

. . gf .. ~.'lfMfwe~ · . . r ' 1· Be buplble PeUti~Qers ; ar . ~he, Tbrrme of _tj rtfSce,; Beg bard at.the qat's of#frcJ· for a ~6\·~g.~ dqle of fieJ}v~?. lit! R!Che~i .llf1fsf:,-if that' lfll! n9~ do., ,Seeft ;- 1f [et~~g .avall npt, Knock, · aJ¥1 you Qlall be ,(i.lil: to prevail ~ ~he choicell f~i:qf~ :of..£1eaveri{~~}ibe .~a;<J.: f9t~$(ng, and ~~~Q~Y be qqt wonl\that,,they ~C,,WQtthno• thiqg ; ;God lpi.es.:i1nporcuna.re Jkggars : / - · th~Fcr'~ li9~r.~ie_o£, petitioning~nJl}~ ~ Cotlrt of Hf;~v.en; .'us .no ~l;>~dn,u.nne~~ . ther.~ ; to. heap. . {ui~,qpon fuit ~ che,o#ner -Yotf~oQle;tb~ wel· Comp~re corri~r you are: '[fe .will gip,thiJio..!y Spirit *'I ' ~~t.i•I '• fhflP "thlft Mk.# .it; an9•tbat'S .. good .thit1g in w:thLul\e Gq~s . a~count, ..arj~ fi,loul9 b.e J.Q,OUfS; for it ~~ •. tJ. ~PfJCbeth the SpHI· ·with .aP abunq~n~ · Trc~~ f~rf· '; r'? . ~eg tbe .~pi;rit I ot : eod ' "P~n JO~t: . f;?oHths,wi.de JIHd /;e ~·l.ftll them, ! . We fhould .l:11ink. our felves~ Utap€ tor ~ve~ ) I ;if~ we might ~d.c. IJ~Y;~ '~h.~~ W,eFa~a~sk :, ~u~ t~e ttruth ~s~ we cannot ask fo rnudias ~od. tsA6le)fnd wsl~ fiJtg io.give m, Ephef. ~· 19, 20.. Therefore ~.ir~~ . itj~ ~1p your he~~ts todefir~ ~·r~ce,open tqe(~ ~nndowsof your Soule~ ~:: !Jft up your _ fe1v'e$,i o ·God uppn . thefe-~~ing~ O~ · Defires, _ · andfe~d1 a Treafqre-from neaven tn~o your ~ensorttt, he~rts: ' ·$.trong ·defir'ei are-real -~faiers, and ::re::a- ~~1.1.-pr~y.ail,- f~~ t~ey n~t O~lie C~P.a~itate the . · · foul for g,race 1 _ but lay .tc dtreClhe und~r the Proqtife, MAtt{1. ~.6. · · Defire is:the ~ouls pul– lies) ·that'\vi'nd it up to He~ven, ~n9 'tis the Souls fiomach, tbat receivcs Heaven into the-. , .. . Chdfiian : thereforep~ay hard ; .Do not yoq fee 'aiid hear the ~athetical cries ot poor Beg· / _gars, backed with Rhetorical arguments of - • 1 • foares