Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

He~r·t-~reafure: . !i7 wirhout it,{o \is faid inM~tth.2.2.5.the bidd~~l . .guefts tna.delight of it, or a~ t~e word_figni- A'JA.EA~~ ties, they ;would not take lt \tpto the.lr car~ trcXVT~S"• . . • a1 n~~r_houg~rs,they loo~t tftpordltdtas nbotl~fortn ~::C=te~o~ · _. OVJ:.tng a1cer: I aQl per wa e __un e 1e , _ o~ , ·· want of a through, {etled and eff~flual per~ , .· · fw-1fion of ~he truth of the ~ofpel~ and rea• lity of what good is contained in the pro– mifes, is the root of that gro{s Atheifme, and .wilful negle6l: in the...World;· you are tO give your ful affent to'the things of. G.od)to 'llenture y-Our fouls upon Scripture·prin~iples, Go<:ls ipf e dixit ·mutt .be in ftead of all the demon... firarions in the \Vorld, youmuft center aLl~ anchor your felves upon that i11;1pregnable . Rock (Scriptum eft). It is written, an~d, th~ugJl ,you <::af!OO~ fiqde areafqn of the things· 0~_Ji:eved; yec this is to be accounted a fufficient re.afon of your belief, vi~,. G,od bath fpoken ;them, and you may. fafelie rr.uft _ y~u~ fouls ·upon his wor~; tor he cannot lie; he' is wifer than to be deceived, ·and he is·more righteous than todeceive: you may (afelie lay thefirefs - \ - I · .of your 'fouls ppon his word : 0 t~at I could perfwade yot(r.o tpis, do not pu~ 'off thefe ~· .thjngs .with a flight notion· and conjcCl:ural Col. ~; ~' opinion, but advance to'the riChes.of the full , ..·affurance of un~erftanding' , that's ,an high '!.· . ~· ~ / W?rd,.but you.'caonor be too {ureabout thefe . 'tht~gs; your Hrongefi confidencemaybe bat- ' ' · ' · _ ~~red, your pedwafion may :aagger , :a .d. ... , ~herefo,re ge~ as .well rooted as you ,~.., ., · ·for ~ccordtng td ' the degrees of ' your affi:ulce~- .. \Vil yot~t gr~£CS and duties·ebba~q flQW~ rJe ! ' 1 ; 0~ ' \ ' ~ _)'