Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

•• .J . tleart-Jrreaj1tte: 'i; •1th· the.i\ngel of the Covenant & prevailed: :~.~{,,; 'a.nd E~tkiel had their viiions and tevela. :t:ioni .. when with-drawn from the world: :s~lPm&~:faith, Wu -t(J.-him tbat i:s 4/one, bu't blef.. . 1 (et; · ts· he .rh~u: being alo11e hath God to bear ... " 6 jh,n.~ ~.JmpaJlY· : Our dear Saviour tels pis Dil– / ~;·$ I • .p'les, )OH_ letlv~ mealone,_ ~ J4t: I ftm not a/oJ:te' for t}7f F~tber 14 wit/J .me ; arid when ~10 creature is wicr1is') ·we-ha~e conve.rfe mofi with God; f robferve it, ·when' pcrfons are moft feclu.. 'eC'J fromother Society, they are apreft to be , (l.1bjett todivine in1preaions, or ·to Sath~nical fl ggefi ions :· ..Thereforo Cbrifiians , learn to get ~1lone, improve folit ;;l'ry houres, pour out . our fouks in your Clofers; and be .will p0ur _ In _g~ace ·; , think not to fe~k and fin~e Chrift · . in a cro~d : th.e Lord Jefus,and h1s. Spouft: are mode!l, and have rhe {weetdt embraces . -' ' ' wheru:hey are r~tired : you mufi invit(:}him Song.7.n , inrb tl~e fielcl-and theregivehim ;o.u.r loves~· :r:1,. and be alfo will givt: you his love-~ok,:n1., and fi.ll your hearts with a treafute: an hondl inrent for retiren1ent to enjoy Chrifi did occa~ flon a Mona[tick life: ( but' certainly ·there is ' l:\1 uch jfweetncfs in (ecret prayer; when the foul ea~)· freelyopen its bofoine to God, a:nd expofiul ace boldly, yet humbly with ·bitn ; · tberc rhe ChriJ}jan. may u[e {uch pofiures,– J?..:lPfcf, pleadings, as wculd.oot be conveni- . e~J~ before 'orhers ~ You may tell him your whale·hearr, and be wil deal with you flS widt' f~ -i~ndst and~o~~~ his breafi toyou. Obfttve~ 1t Strs ,. A Chnfi1an h~th fotne fecret errand .; ·~ - ;to ~()d, that the dearefr Friendand nea;r~fi · ~· j . : · • • · •• " ;- Relation ~ t.r· ' ~ I I I