Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

Heart .. Trcafore:.· ·Relation mufLnot know of, ,Cafes that are ·not robe cntrufied .wirh any btit God ;1.lo. e:; ·here then-comes in theneceffit:y,and.e:Xc'el'fett"" cy -of fecret praytr; therefore agaip, let ·~e earnefl:ly requefr you to go alone . (as y · 1 know Chrift did often ) and tell God your \V hole heart, hide nothing from him , plead· no excufe from worldly bulineffe ~ Satan and your corrupt hearts will .f.inde. :many v - cd.{ions ~or divedion : but, fay to_tijenr·as · .. /Jr11ham to his Servants, fl!~y yoti here wln.les I \ · g" and wor{hipthe Lord iondtr : fleai d~~le froJn the world, and thywork , occafiona: . )oties are like accidental Bargains , tba~ th~ke. ~he careful Tradefmen rich : Bread eat' "L:J ~r1 leh·~c i~ ~weet, and{uch J!lOrf~ls ma~~- f!1e- ~~u !. wgll itktng: Confulc w1ch fuch Chnfhatr ~~ . ~o"( - . Yetfe much with God in a corner,··: ~ncf.'·yb_lhal fee their faces to fhine as.Mofts's·qid atrv ter his retired converfings with · ~od : i!~ :thf' , ,. . Mount ; When Etijah ~o ·raife tHe Wo~~ns .. h ~jg,_:·~~ deadSon,he took him into the loft;anc:l-there {~),;(;..,. prayed; When thouwo~ldeft,qg~~"ln;n tip_rhY. de,ad heart, ~ take it alone,·go iflt9 ~)bft~ :. ari,~.!\ .. . n~ . _ fall on .thy face 0~ knees and pra. y;. an.d. (ee t~.e 1 , . ·– ble!fed effeas thereof: CJprian . notably .de- ---A~ ;;._:· , f ·b h.. { · . d r 1. R . rr. • E toqltiUiJt ~n t~ . 1s .w~et an ~o ltary . ece1~~~.ILJto. ~ niJjlrHmar.. place where ·no hearer can htoderntS' Dtf.;: biterp.(lfa· _ nur imp~diat~ aut clamor i~trmpermr.r famld~fl.repen.tk .ob.tundat, peta- ·. ·mtU haucf~dem: dant (ece[fum·vicina[ecreja,yki dum. err~uci pa!mitum lapfus nexzbus p.en.dulis pfr arun.dines bajulasrejunt, vitea»Jporti':U»Z f':on:.dea teCitlfecerunt :-Etpau(f!_poft··Aacjpe quod·fentit?tr au~eqr~Cr.m ~i[cztu~,. 1tec p.er mor~-4 te1?Zp~r¥m longa agw._itio]le. ~olligitur, fe1 cof!Jpett·. ~zo.~rateA m~t~rantts haurtt~r,&·-lege tot}tm,Eplit• ~ib, ,,~p.2.. ad D9-. ~at) pag. (m1hi) IoJ-. 1o6'; · t · .,_ • .- ·· - ~ "" I -- .• • • - ,.. ..-