Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

' , Seart-Treafure~ ~., _-· ) Epifiles froni'He~v~en; ~hat'~ r_he t~!itd. '. 4 • Treafureupperfevertng,·p.erfechng a!1d_ crowning Graces, furniJh your h'e·ar'ts· wJ·~-~ · ' ' fuch ·Graces·as .may hdp you tbro,ugh this I world, ar1d throhghdbtth ' · and land yoLifafe on the fuore of :Eternirie~ !uch as thefk, · lin– cerity, humility, faith, hop·e, love, thefear ·of God, delight in him~ refignation tO him, r~ fqluti0n for...liim, contempt of rhewodd, d~ · fire of ,I-lea\•er1 ; 'ifyou have rhefe Grcices you– fhal never fait ' or fall :· .unfottnd Profeffors m~r and ~~l. ''f.jltaway].~ filch ~-s are ·ch,us rooted lbal'·gro\V:Upas ty~~ a,sHeaven, ~y· pocrir'es mayalcend many fieps towards Hea- .. . ~en, but he' rhat b~th fioc--ericy at the bottom· . and -per(ev~rance I at . the ' top of this 'Laqdet - ~ -... ~- . \" . fbal not mifs 'of;<GJorie· : 0 ' fee to the up- ·,' \.::'~ ,I £ightne1Te of ydur;hearts ' and truth of your ~ {. ··. ~~ :.·~~ Graces,be not mffia.Kenabout your O:ate,b!Jild - \.'! lllgh ' by ~ayin~ _the f?uridatio~.low, . if' ·the· root of the matter be tn you , tt fhal not be e~adicated i·fa'Ving grace wil end in erernaf _r . •• Gforie: the girille ofTruth, the hre4ft:plai'e of.' :, ~ ) J!-igbuoufne/fo., ~he fl:loo~s~ of,HeroicJcRefQlti-JEph.6.x4;.~ · tion, the;{ht~ld tJfF_azth, ~he Ifel.met ofHope; th~ 15~ i6,T;-~ . Swordof Sctipture-trutbs; 3hd conftant fer•. ~~~ · · .ienc ~ray~r,_ ifi~ help tbe· conHi~ing·(oul.co · ··:··; a glonous·Conqueft, and God wd fer an tn• · ~ . - ~cceffibl~_Cr<;>wn upon theconquering Head o~- ~-~ perf~'t~rir~g· Sainc: if ybu lay up perfe-. yenofJ' Gt~t~·e~, you fh~I hold on~nd hq}d_ our, , , tf yopr love aboui1d 1n knowledgeand in all j~tdgmeiJt·, ·ydur r~ules ili~l be with9ttt o/fi~ce . t!ll ,the -4AJ of ChrJff, Pbtl. r. 9, 10. What would / ) I