~~~: Heart-Treafure~ vation? not that God is fo hard to beentreai t~d1 ?r delights in apoGr Cre<.~tures malady or. nufery, bur that be tuay, aff~a che heart With the evil of fin, flir up more longing~af· ter grace, prize Chrifl: and pardon, and learn · to ftn no more ; therefore he keeps the foul long in fu{pence, even whenhis bowelsyearn upon it, as Jofeph,s did upon his brethren, upon the like ground,as he dealt wi. h Miriam inhealing her bodyof the Leprofie, if her fa– ther, faith be, had but fpit in her face,, tnould fhe not be afhamed (even daies, lVum, 12. 14• · Thus God would have us eo kuow, the w.onh of his favour, by tbe want of it for a [eafon: furely, firs, it you would lay thefe fad experi– ments in ftvre, it would prove anotable An– tidote a~ainfl: the next affault: the burnt child wil dre;'d che fire: Oh what fin-abhoring re· folurions had the penitent foul ib its deep hu– iniliatioos? if you bad come to David whilfl be was bathing himfelf in briny te~rcs, at)d faid, what faifi: thou now to murder ? ·how dofl: thou like thy flellily lufis? wilt tho11 buy· repentance at !o dear a rate? and fall again into nncleannefs ? would he not have an- . fwercd , 0 no, God forbid that 1fhou!d fin again? I wil be rackt or torne tn .p~cces, rather thandifhonour my God,grieve his Spirit, and fill my poorfoul with fuch CoJ:– n1enti ng troubles : Ce rtainly, when poor Pf: ,_ g D~1vidwas roaring;by re~fon of the ~ifq~i~tntfr a.3!a.: .. of his Spirit, when rher~ w.u nrrreflrn b'Ps./;ones ltecttu[e of his fin, he had other thoughrs. of his!in now, then when be was entdngand ~d- 'I . ventunng . ·. \