Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

·., Heart-Treafore~ · : [i 8j heart was warmed,melccd, fatisfied : In fuch , a Company,with fuch a Society was ll)y f0ul enlarged? refolved , a9d (weedy tranfported beyond n1y felf: Oh what a bleifed day or ' night was that unto me, wpenI had the kifles of Godsmouth, the (mile's ofhis Face, and had a clear aaquittaoce fealed to my confcia ence of the remiilion,of my fins! I well re– member it, and my heart danced1 wirhin' me · to thin~ of the {weet daies of mutual inter– c;ourfe that "od and I have bad together ! Thefe .are not alwaies to be expefred, fuch Sweet~meats of divineJoyare not aChrifii~ ans Confiaot C01Utnol1 fare , a pining time may come, rle makemuchof, and long ftore up fuch fweet & fecret hincs of Love againfi a time of need. God forbid that I fhould lo!e this Token for good, this broken ~ing, this PledgefromHeaven: this may fh1nd me in .fiead in a dark 1>{. gloomy day,when the Lord i}lal frown upon meas an EneJJ;l}" ~ and put me from him as thoughhe would fo~ fak~ , . ·thenwill I fay untoSod, as Jo!J, Thou k.nrM• ._ eff that I Am ntJt "tric~ed, L~rd, doft thou ufe to Job 1Q.7; tle11l fo ,with wic~ed men, or reveAl thy {elf thru · toth~m thttt k..•ow the~ not ? Art' thou wont to fiir up in thecarelelfe world,fuch penitent be 4 moanings, {uch ardent breathings, and{uch vehement pantings after thy fel£ f. .And ha£1: thouever given in fuch familiar difcoveties to unregenerate foules , as my heart bath had experience of many a time ? and is this the . nianner of man, ·0 Lord ? Are ,thcfe thy waies with unfanfrified foules? Wilt thou , . ·- . ~ N i .-. . h. old ,· ·, \ /