Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

< .....-...- I I -~,84 , . Heart-1r.eafure: L. hold communion .wi_th thofe that never wer~ . umted to thee ? Doth ~lot fuch con1munion pre-(uppo[e an union ? either thde Expe"!' riences are fa !fe and counterfeic, or I am thin~, for whom thou loveft once , tbou loveft to the end .~ though I be fickle and inconflant yet thou art the farn ~ , and unchangeable in .. thy love; ·now.l dare not fay tb.1t all thde · {_weet Experiences are rpeer fiaion~, dreams and fhadow', no, God forbid ; l hu1nbly hope they.were genuine eviden~es of tby C pe– cial Love, arifjng frorn and built up,on rhe J.JVord and Spirit, yea they carried.their evi– dence ~long;With rhen1, and lefc fuch fl~mps upon my foul ~s c;;n never be forgotten or wo;rnqff; I ~an . appeal to thy{elf, 0 Lord, if fuch paifag~ :were noc betwix~ thy (elf~nd n1y heart~ which nocreature upon e~tth bath I known off;. and fince .rhou ,canfr not deny · thine own Name in-graven qnmy hearr, and fealed fweet·l y to me, I commit the ma~te~ wholly to thee , thoJ.Igh. no~v thou feen1 to carry O:rangel.v cowards me, as though thou . hadfl: quite.cafi rme Qff, -yet _thou art my Cod fr ill, 1n v lovi11gFather, ~n.d only Friend , I -.. I cannot part f;t.\)fl1 thee, I wi 11 not let theego·; there was once love bet-wixt.us, 0\nd though now in wifdon1e ·2.nd ·faithfulndfe thou feem to fmother thy bowels o(Mer~.y, and refi.rain the effects, of rhy .Lov~ , yet rho9 haft the fame hear·.t now as thou .waft,wont 'to have, ] know it .by rije .wor~ings .-1 feel in m~ne ownbrea{t'towards thee ;.And thereforeLorcJ– l hang u,on tbee,,and ple3d ( with Vlfv?J ) · · · ~ tr_her~