Heart:"lreajure: _ 19!·\, ~nee, helps the foul to this demonfirative .in– ference and conclufion, that he is a Childe of God, in Gods favour, arid fual be faved: and thence ari(eth fatisfaetion and confolati~ on : the poor foul by a reflex a6\: cloth view the (eeds and fproutings of a .fincere faith' and love, and {airh, though thefe ha1e not purchafed .~Y: husbands lo':e ·' yet are they. fweet effecbahereof; thefe d1V111e Ornaments of faving graces do fatisfyingly evidence that my foul is betrothed to Jefus Chrifi : if your (puis be all glorious within in fanttificationj ;tis a good fign your cloathing is of wrought · gold in jufiific(ltion .~ make fure and clear __ ..... your effc6hial vocanon, and then you clear 2. Pet•I·x~· up your eternal election: the'fanB:ifying fpi.;. rit witneffethwith the fanctifyed foul that it R m.s 8 · 'is a childeof®od : and thus fome underftand 0 ·~. · thofe three that bear wicnefs in 'Earth, the (pi• . _., ' ric, water and blood, to be the cleanfing acts xJob·S!8~ of the fpirir, evidencing the fouls intereft .in our Saviours efficaciows merits~ but this I dcfire of you, to .clear up the truth ofgrace,· fall upon the old trade ,of ·enquiridg a·fter marks of ftncerity, ·yet do not think the bare· bearingof them~ or. having fuch notes inyout · ~ooksor.memory, 'wil be fuffident meanes of comfort, but lay your bearcs by them, in a clofe and convincing application 1 improve ~them ~Y a felf·pofing examination, and then fetch tnferences therefrom, inarational ·way of argu~entati9n, and lay up thofe· dedoeti– ons aga1nfi a time of need, write· it down I ~at thou maifth'loveit to fhew·.under thy hand , · · a~in!t , , / r ..' . ' '