Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

,, ' . \ ) ~~o] _ Heart-Trel(ure~ , ' ' the ~ombate: Paul mull: have Satans Meffen· ger to buffet him after abundant revelations ; . -Piter-afrs Satans part in diHwading Chrift_– ~tom fuffering, ·after he had aCted an Angels part in acknowledging him for the A1lffi114: the French often got chat again by craft, that the Englifh hadobtaiQedby Prowefs t and we ltno\V in all Wars, fupine negligence hach undone 1nany an Armie, after famo\ls vitto- · ·ries: -this PHgnaOfct~lMZA - (as Hiftorlat1s call ir) ·is when the conqueredgathered fire?gth, and fo returned upon theConquerors, when 'they were diliding the fpoils ! jufi thus cloth Satan.wi rh God's Children,.. when .the foul fuith been with God-, and gor its ·Veffel wel '£taught with (piritual (icbes, then it's in grea· 'tefi danger of Pirates: then Satan clothhe· fiir himkHmofl, his mali~e andpolicy takes that asthe fittdt feafon to foile and fpoile the 'wel.. t :iden foS.1l : and then thefoal is·moft apt to grow fecurc at1d catnaliie.confiqent, and . fo~!vcsSatan greateft advantage·; as a man ·that path run faH! or workc- hard, fits down and cools fuddenlie,afrer much fweatingdotft ~he~eby endang<:r ?is health, and Hfe too, by a dangerous furfe1t: (owhrn the ·he~rt bath 'been f"·eetliewartned With·£he love of God, and is powerfullie chaff~d in an holie dt.tt'ie, it's rheh mofi in danger o( a fpi ritual Ague, a chit fit of deadnefs; tor fuch anone bletferh hirofelf, and· thinks now he may fit fiil, ancl ·cake .bis· eafe, and then comes a fall: this i~ the believers rou~d·, this is !)is' wheeling con~ . _'diti011 in ·theWorld : ltttr con.fcfleth Chri{l , 1 , • gracx~