Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

' ). iio · Be~rt·'rre-.fure~ I \..: ·-- . ' forts,deal but faithfully wich your own hearti; and fee what theywill fay to you : begin to.' coum_erate .your mercies , and yo,u'l fee fur ...; ther occafion of gratitude ; efpecially recount your fpiricual bleffings in heavenlJ things in 111'14 Chrifl ~ Thus dothhplyPAVid,PfaLtoJ. t,~,i~ He filrs up all ~ithi"ti him tD pr4ift God, and reckonetp l1 p{piritual,mercies firft, and; canfi not thou fay, he hath.farisfied thy heart, ~ re-pleni()leq.thJ [o11l withlotnl things? L~y thy bandupon thy,-l}~ar~, and ask ic whether thou - h~fl: not ~qqpg~nt ,c3..~fe.of th~nkfulndfe? an_~ ~~VF gog pr~¥:e ,a,cc9rdtng.tt?. thy_convt6l:t~ns: Thts ts' Qpet,grea~ end <Sdd h.ath_ In 8efiowtng m~r~ie.,'aqcf~(eiutnin.g an aq'f~er of Prayer, t~at .tlJ:e ~o~f~!Par p~aifeh.hn," w?ich is t~e [~~.~ - ~ ~~te ot _ g,qf:tfll?~~·s. gue ff:~~ t.ne ~~~3;t~~~ to ~l,l[Gfea~qt, : ~~eP[Al~ )o. :t4., 15..• 2.3, , Mn foel s. 2 ,; ~~eenh~~ ol>fer~Y.es, Th~t in.o'ur ~iturgte$, -~,J;Dng jnter operfl, ti~;.hug4r~4' pt~[~r~ (cArce ~N~/· lh.~,~f~lving , fG, !0~8.1 j• [9,U»p, t a.n.a: ~et 11!, cw~{ 111/ltf/l',~;~( ~ ,Vf.t.r f?J, a 1n~tU~ I • ~1! {rf..r,c~.~~ cL.~f_;;;;g~~6.~!~r~K.; w1 foAvi l~4rn_e~ · !~ ~eg-&.111 i1~~~ ~lff~l. wit~) A-.3h11~ftz~l ~ommemora~ ,~on of ~~~'!"1"1t tfoe ~{d: Tbushe. But I be.: fee~h Y_2Jl~ (l,ewrnoq your~ "Jelves ingratefullt jl_r~if~~~~~oJ',Wh* Y:q~~tiF~~ reCFi.v~~ ·' :v~a ;b1efs }1}~ J~tt1 ~u: 1 ccr.~~'ln ~.rounds . o~hqpe / pet~Ofn1. J.9Qt· quue , 'and tru£t: God for the I 'perJC?rni?~C~Jof ' ~is. ~r~ire. ~ Bl~ffe Go~ tha~ _be h~~th la1dQP f.q l(J.r,ge a,tr~rfqre lfl Cbrtfi fo~ rineligent f9uls .~ ::Ble1s h.~m1tl~a.t hee l?ath lai~ ~t: fo mucb . thereof lfP~tl the mante thou~ lands that a~e: now filled brimful ofgrace and &lory, and ble{s him,forthe fweet ·over~flow~. . : · , ing~ ~ '