Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

, Hear.t_~Tr!afor-e: . , 24· ·.•. fcl ves that they had in Heavena bet~er, aad · , -_an enduring:{ubftance: Heb. , 1 o. 34· Ob-· ferve it; they know in chem(dves, i. e. Ihey had experience thereof in their own hearts; and now by this lo{s,of their eft: .t_tes this expe- . rience· was more cleared , increafed, confir· tn~d than ever belore: Oh bleffed exchange ! to part with E.1rth, and get Heaven 1 to get riches off the heart; and to get better riches into the heart : I mua tcl you chat one·grai11 or degree of grace is more wanh thanheaps of worl9l}' riches, , and happy is that foul that · endures the Io ~s of thcfe, to get a goo~ lhare of the former: Read che I 1. of Hebrews,and' follow·that bleiled Army ·of .Martyrs, tbac fruitful. Cloud of \V itneffes, and fear not · Man~ for you fbal be ga\ners in the refult of all : a rreafured foul is ftil gathering more to himfelf in every difpenfatioo, in woxd fpo• . j - ~en, rod laid on, works done for hi~,the h~- --ndiheart makes a goodufe of, and ts ·quah- - ' fied for, all difpoials, and {atisfied with, as wel as edified wbatevc:r the ·Lord cloth with him: But tnore of this anon, only obferve; · that a treafured ' foul can pick that out of a Sermon, or providence 1 that .another canqor, that's ~vonh nothing, ~e rea~ of M~. lgn11tim Jurdam (that zealous Magdlrace 10 Exettr) . . that a formal Man· having ·once preached a . . 9 Sennon at the Cathedral, about-Heaven, the ~rilc~k '~ di(courfe was for tbe mofi p2rc frothy; and th~ l~fc~fn _ ~· beneatft the dignity o·f fi1ch ao Argument: Mr. Ign. afrer Sermop Mr. Mant0,11 having occafion r:o Ju,·d. . Vlfic Mr. Jnrdain, after many good :infiru- pagfl 481 ·- ,1\ Uion3 I ' '' -