j ,( • . .. t ~44 Heart-Treafure~ ' lefs Princefs: Oh th~ ~edvantt~ge ofa wtlljloreJ. . Chrift~An \ ' fn-ch t~little Davidthus furnifhed with " fcrlp full offmoolh ftones of the .Brook, 1mean, , an head~nd~ heart full of Scripture·truths and /11· ving gr~c~~,will be able trJ valttJt~i(h the proud Goliab, or chiefefl fpirituat Advtr{~trJ : ' How did filly wornen.encounter and conquer\ the Learned Doetors in thelMarian dayes? ~he {ubrilleftJetuits bave been puzzled and non·- . plufi witb·tbe folid anfwers o( favoury Chri.. fl:ians: tha't precious Promire is fweetly per– . formed to Gods Childreri, MAtth, 10. 19, 10. di&atipg to them. what they muft (peak , the reafon there given is, the Spirit-of7our Father .ffiealzeth ;n7o•; rea, fo full of matter have the treafured Saints been,. that wJ1en bodily Or– gans have ceafed, their full hearts have found a miraculousvenr. Read the Chtuches Hi- . fio. ies : Takea tall of wonders, .\Vhen Roma-: Atlr and nUJ (chat noble Martyr) had by the Tonnen– M•"· fol • . tors his tongue pluckt upby the.·Roots, bee ~ 9I,9z.. praiCed God, and faid, He th!it"'(pe~k,_tth Df Chrifl fot:~!! never want a t9ngue ; when hischeeks · ' were fore-renc withKnives, he faid,- I thank._ . ·. the_e, 0 CtJ~-ft€lin, that thou haft opened tq me :mA• ,ny mauih1 to pre~tch my L'ord Chrift ;' S'? 'ds ~ecordcd 0f B~rlaam a Martyr, that havtng Ftre and Frankincenfe put into his right hand , whereinyet he had fome ftrergth~ laying him on the Alrar, his enemies thinking thar be by ~he heat of the fire would {ca~u:r fome lncen{e I on ~be. Alrar,rec rhe flame eJ;t t a?out.his hand, wh ·chkept f?fr clofed, he :ngtog, hit./fed /Jt tf.e Lord m] Gqa 1 whi;h u 1 hfth 'f»J f.ands tt1 wflr ., , .