Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

Heart-Treafore: i4t w.fr and my fingcrJ to fighr, , &~: Sirs, if you - hlve a trea{ure, fea r nor, .it fhall be produced,. - though yoLJ _cannoc expect fuch ~iracles, ryet in {uch a·manner, and at .fuch tt.tpes as may moft glorifie ,God, filence the \Vi eked, and comfort your beans: Jknow ,tis the difcoti· rag.iqg fear ot trembling fo~t.ls, if ®od call me to lharp Encs>unters,I fhal deny,mYLord, betrly his truths, bewray mr wea.kndfe: But . poor Chrifi:ian, fear not , Gods grace fhall fe fuffi~ient for ,t~ee, thy ltt~le fireugth ihall do See"l(!vt!. wonders, if thou haft a right trea{ure with· 3·~•9'xo. in, it will appear to others admiration,and beyond thiqe o\vn expeCtation : Oh for fuch a · Treaiure as is before defcribed ! . 4• A treafl.tred foul is ,Gods delight ; a. full trea[ure in'.iheheart,of the,good things of ,Hea;ven is the plea[ure of the Almighde : God takes delight among the fo9s of men, and 1 amongfi men the Believers heart is the Lords r– highdl: Throne ,- nexc · to that in the highcft Heavens : and amongfl: fince~e Chriftians none c_an make God fowelcome, or give him better .entertainment, than he who{e heart)! ~ beautified with thefe bleffed Ornaments : fuch a foul makes its Saviour~ fumptuous Fc:afl:, and gives him a chearful invitation: r So in $olo'f'l~111 St~ng,ch.4· I 6. faith {he, Let 1111 Bel~ve~ c~me into his GAraln Ana CAt his rte~fane ' .fr,;''f, '· '• Let him enjoycontenfin the f~uits of htS own Free-grace;· hee bath provtded himfelf, aSacrifice; aFeafi, letthe graces of the Spirit delight a:nd folace the heart of the AutQor , no fooner ddth the invitehim, but ~3 he \ ' \ ··'