Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

.J . ' .. . ~5o Rt4rt-Trea[tffe; {oub, as the broad gla£fe of publickOrdinan· ces. I fpeak not this to de~og·ate from pqb. lick, ·'tis to be preferred. where God grar1ts li· berry, and_ where God withdraws, the want of openVifion is much-to be lamented, wee zeph·1·tl. are to be fqrrowful for breaking up of {olemn Lam.t•4• Aflemblies.,. and moNrn fore when the gates ' ofZion mourn: But this I fpeak,whe!J by per• {ecution publick Teachers are driven into , Corners; then the Lord may fupply that want tohis children fame other way: But lefi tbis be condemned as Novelty, I fhall exprefs it: in the words of a learnedAut-hor : Buchana/4lnl'iitut. ~sks the auefiion , Wh4t {h.tfl the• do that wan~ Thee!. De ":1 / the opp9rtHnity of freqetenting the puhlic~ rdi • Sacraln. loc. 46. pag.6oi. nances ? He An(wers, Such mHft tt. el a• hro11d:, and{et.k far and neAr for them, ·B if the] caNnot fin4e them, they muft exercife themfehJes in religious dNties at h~me, Bec~t11[e, (airh he, the J(iwgdome of God u within them, and 6ecat~[e the word without the S~ecraments md.y6e the power of 7J Sltrtt· .God to [Alv~tion ;-And he further adds, Th~tt mcnti nun- the fAithful can never be- without th1 mt~tter ~e;u;/, quam demArrDw ofa Sacrament, thoNgh they m~ty be comJUtuuntar. pet/ea to wa~at theviftble Sign: Thus he. Oh ftd~es~;~~- what ableffed thine is it tohave aprinciple of ~~us ·ft;nt Grace~ and chis bldfedTreafure ! •Tis fure– earere eo. ly worthfomething to have Light and plenty g4r£tur: in atime of da.rkneffe and fcarcity•· , ,, CHAP~ .. .. ... . , .