jji Se~rt-fre•furt; . jealoufie and watchfulnefs, and a means to l\'Ork ill the foul charity· and fymparhy to– wards others, to alienate our hearts from this ·finning "''eary world, and endear our beans t 'o God for pardoning grace, and make us ·long for a finlefs flare in glory : thefe and {uch-likeends and u!es God bath and makes ' of fin, or elfehee ·Would not fuffer this dead body, pr rather J,ody of death to haunt the fouls of living Sai~1ts : our wife God raifed a ftate- .r ly ftru6l:ure over the ruines ot A dams fall, or he had never.fuffered it ; God dorh his fer· vanes good by their.fins, this uncoulh Ex- . · periment made good Mr. Fox to fay, That his graces did himmoft hurt, and his fins mo.ft.g1od, _ a firange,.PJradox, but a gracious foul nows what tbis meahs, that hath many at me by divine affifl:ance fetcht heaven out of hell, light out ofdarktieife, fweet advantages from fad mifcarriages : Sumetimes the Chrill:ian can fay, I had finned except I had finned, the furthefl way about hath proved the oeareft Wa"{home, God hath fuffcred me to break M c 1 tl my bones by falling , that he might fet them sfrTe~t 'more firongly: We :cAnn',t go to he~eveN (faith pag.234: an e,xperiencedDivine) by GetJmetrr, we m11fl fetch 11 comp~ejfo hy the gateJ of Hell>and {et wh~t ' .. .. · news with Satan, ere we /Je duly humbled, or c1111 relifh the l'romifu aright •. Yer miflake nor, no thanks eo fin or Satan for this·, bur to Free– grace, that orders all things to the b'efr: nor let any adventure upon fin with fuch a con· ceic, for this were to fin that grace mt~y Aboun~, that's theD.:vils J,.ogick and dangerous pre., fomp .... "