• • I ' ' ' i58 · HGart-Treafure~ or by entertaining fome beloved luft, or by, Sc:e D.Sibs th~ prev~lency. of mdancholy, or impotency I ~~~ls ;onof natural parts, this treafure may be hid ,;o~sl;. ' frotn the eyes of the believer himfclf; thefe fer. fouls and other re.a.(ons Divines have laid down as Cafe.··- caufes of Chrifiians want of comfort or aflu.;. ~fters ranee: -Every .~aipt knows this by too fad ex..; ,.e 1 ,j/.ar.3 perieuce that he is often ~t a lofs, and cannot to 16 9 • rei what to. ~ make of hts condition, he bath - his nights as we\ as daies, a nipping Winter as wel as a ftourifhing Summer : the L~pof grace may retreat into the root, the Herbs and Flowers, and Plants ~.tnay furink and dif.. appear, anc\ this goodly newCreation may d,roop and lo{e its glorious verdure, yet life may be ,there, a Summer lfiay .come at the..- ~return of the year, wh,en the glorious Sun of righteoufnefs fual refle~ beauty upon thefe hiddengraces, anddraw them forth in– to lively fruits of <&o!pel·Obedience, wherby the Saint ·fiul live again, and know that he lives, believe, and know that he believe~: In rhe mean time, while fuch a foul doth walk in darkne[s and foe JlO ligQt, let him lfai.sod· rruft in the nune of the Lord,, and flay him– felt upon' hjs God, let him even cafi Ancbor .in the dark,,, and repore his troubled heart upon .t<he · Rock of Ages j faith is a venture, andyou1mu!1: venture your all in this bottom ufe Gods appointed meansfor obtainingcam.. fort, improve freegrace,·fludy the proroi(es, awake )'OUr graces, recoUe~ experiences, r~new your repentance, walk dofewith Goa,- . .be imporc.unat~ at the .throne of grace~ · and . . certa1n·