Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

• --. l1eart-~reaj(ur~~ a6l:s, in ahurry of temptation, yet your hap·~ pinefs doth not depend uponyour account of y:our felves·, but uponGads account of you in ' Chrift ;· a gracious foul may not know the aCl:s of f.airh,. yet may be fatisfied of the ob-. jea of faith; he cannot fay fometimes, I ·j"fi~ 1 . know che1c l dofincerelie believe, but yet may - -· '.u.. faf, I know in whom 1have believed, and· .. delire again ·to believe; the good foul may · fay, l /know not how things are with m~,· 1have lofl: my ·felf iu a thicket of cares and feares, yet I pHt myhand into his that knows· the .way, and·can le~d m(! out, and let him fee to the fa.fe landina of my (oul ih chat Ha-· ven of reft, and to the lodgingof it in the bo• fome of .A11r~thAm; that in tender care of ir,– lhed his -precious blood for it; This is the next he~d, God wil own~ this· hidden trea· fure. 9·· A treafurcd foul hath a rreafure in hea~ ven, and indeed his beft treafure is above :: for this tre·afure in the heart is thecounter• pane of a trea{ure in the Heavens : thefe ar~ alwaies'conjoyned., never is any foul brought Qp to Heaven, but firlf ~od brings down Heaven into it; God furnifuech the foul by the operations of his grace, and then takes·· poffeffion o~ it ~y the .earneft of his-f~irir~ . before he fil- 1t Wtth glory f ~Cor. S'. s~ Maft tliou a. treafure laid up in thy heart ? That's the firfi fruits ofalarger·vincage;light is fown· :£or rhe righteous,and (l may-fay}in the hearts the righteous, if gracious treafttres be laid "tp in the templeof your{ouls,gl_orious things: are