Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

Heart-Tredjure~ lSJ of R.ighteoufndle, and upon ·who[e backs is found theRobes· of Righteoufneffe : Jet fuch ·bleife God for grace, and long for glory. 1 o~ -Confider yet further, rreafures ofglo~ · ry, are proportioned to creafures of grace in the heart: 'tis true, they t~at have l~afi gl~~ ·ry in Heaven fhall want none, yet wichaJ, 'Cls very like.ly there that be degrees ot happinefs., and they that havehad moft grace fhal have · moft glor-y _; my reafon is, becau{e grace 'doth ·widen and capacitate the toul for larger Reve– nues of glory : many Ve£fels ' of great and ' fmall quantity caft into the Ocean are all full, but fome holdmore, and others leffe, fuch is the im.menfe and-incoBceivaple happineffe of . the Saints above, that all fual have all, and none fuall want any thing to compleat their I felicitie: as t'is impoffible fqr a foul tObe in Heaven and not be happy, ·ro there fhall be ··; no nook nor corner of aglorified (oul , but · it fhal be filled wi.th happindfe : thefe cleAn f'ef{els fual be filled with this ntw wine of glo– ry: God fhall be Aft inAll, all good to all {ouls, · and in all (Guls, Yc:a, fuch is the ·vaft and in– finite Ocean of . glory that they ilialenter into their Maflers joJ~ noc it into them (though ·they fhall be as full oi it as their hearts. can. hold): Oh how !hal thev bathe themfelves. in thofe Rivers of pleafures? the minde {bal -be full of Light, the will of Holine{fe, and the affeB:ions·ot Ravilliment and fatisfa~ion, ~he~a we a~a'<!wejhAil ,ht fatisfitdwith hi1,[111~ge, ·Pfalm_ 17.1 S· nor ihal there be any. envytng ~.1Je ~!1ptgers happi1,1es., (though QnC .fiar dif- . ·' ··· s · fer 4 I I _ . '• \ ' '