Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

.. . j,66 Heart-Treafure; _ ........_ __ 1. Alas, faith one,I fear I have no fuch trea• fure as here is defcribed, for I have avery ig– llorant head,and therforeanempryhearc,thele treafures enter inby the door and window·of knowledge,but I know nothingyet as I ought to know;lcanot conceivearight of one truth, & howl iliould I then havea treafureoftruths? Iaofwer, 'Pis well ·thou art complaining; Unfan6l:ified .knowledge puffeth up wich conceics of imagina~y attainments , gracious ' . fouls are fenfible of det as and lament their ignorance: D~vidwas aSaint vyel-trea[ured, yet cals himfelf a heap; vfgur was a wife 3ndholyman > yet profe!Ieth chat bee was more btuici£h thanany man: ·nay, he faith, h~ hAd not the "nderftat~dingof A mdt~, Pro.39.2. :~ fis anhopeful ftgn to hear Chrifl:ians bewail their ignorance, but it cloth not become any man to brag of his nowledge : the lo.we~. humility is the higheft attainment: felf-de· nial is a fign cf, ana means tO fpiritual Ri– cj}es : 'tisa fign thou haft profited when thou ·. di(cerndl: and bewailefi thy non-proficiency: Befides, you muft know, that you are not to determine of your treafure of truths, by the number of rruths known, but by the tnanner 0f your knowing them, and. your efiitnation of them; do you value the truth (o, as to buy' the truth :at any rate, and to fell it at no rate ? · nay, are you not willing top.ut with your lives rathe~ than truth?. Hath not truth had efficacy inyour hearts , authority over your con[cience&, and prcvalency in your conver• {ations? Do yot:t give upyour (elves. to the. tr"tths ' .. .,.