Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

J . ,Relrt-·Tre•fure; foul is llrl}gl.ing with ics enemy, and gives not u_p the. Fprt of the heart: But know this, that a Chnfttanmayhavea large.treafureof gr~ce in his heart, and yet feel violent workings o£ 1~, gracemay be firong, yet t:orruption im· petuous; God may give it acommiffion to make violent incudi0ns upon the wel-fur • .:ftiilied foul, for wife andgracious ends : only confider whether thy. prayers beardent, con. tefis vehemqnt , ~nd mournings for it"""bitter and more than ordinary ; if it be thus with thee, cboq m~y!l: have a treafure for all that., no.t only a P,rincipleofgrace, but a large mea· (~re thereof , for oppofices illufirate one a· nother, and though there be firong luftings of the fldh againft che Spirit, yet if there be alfo proportionable ilruglings of the Spirit againft the flc=fu, the fouls copditio__n may ~e fafe, and for ought I know, it may be rich lD·. Grace; Thafs for the (econdObjecl'. 3· But, faich the Chrifiian, you talkmuch of a treafure of comforts, but alas I know not what thac me~n~, C\las comfort is far away; (urely if~ hadhadany grace t fhould have·had peace, but I hav~ been l9n_gunder fadnefs and in many·difcqnfolate fe.ats , I fear I have no treafure of grace. . A»frr. G~~c~ and Peace are no~ infeparable, they may be dif-joined, as Scnpture and . Experience reftifie, manya gracious foul bath ' been in deep forrows, a foul mayhavea Hell witqin it, and yet at lafi go to Heaven ; a Chrifiian -may fail thorow a tempeftuqu~. Sea to a quiet Haven ; Ye~) fu.rtber pbferhvc; t a~· •