Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

l-fe4rtlTreajt~re., is i that aChrifl:ian may have a treafureofgrace·; yec W.4~t a treafureof' joY. and comfort; the reafon ts, ecaofe comfort ts an cffea of Gods Spirit,~hfch aa:s ~l·~itr~rily~andnot ~ynece{- 6ry, for tf theSptnc fiun~ not upon the gra– ces of the Spirit in the foul; it fhal have no ·€onltorc,though it be f~ll of grace; Now Clod doth foll'ietimes '{ufpend the comtorting pre::.– fcnce of his Spirit from the beft ot his fer• ·. Yants for righteou.s and gracious ends : hence · we finde eminen;JFrvants of qo_d ( that feared God above many) complatntng of the want of comfort , as 'fo/1 , and DAv~J, and Hema11; yea, fomecimes we finde our de:tt Redeemer (who had a treafur~ of grace,·and the.Spirit: a~ove _meafure) complaining .of Gods forfak1ng h1m., and.confequentlyof the abfenceof joyand· comfo~;t r Poor fool, 'do · 'not murmure that God doth not alwayes.. ' feed thee with thefeSweet-meats, which are are the fare of the Upper·Table, and refer• ved for an heavenly Banquet : what though' thouhaft not always·aClual poffeffion of com~ fort,. yet thou haft 'a {GlidFoundation for it :· • what if thou be not ··con~inually dandled on thyFathers Jap, andkifferl with the kiffes of his moUth, yet thou arca childe fiil, andthou canfi: not deny but fometimes he doth vifie thy {ou_l with h~arc•{olacing c folatiQ!JS)and thoumtghcefi have a treafure of them tf thou couldefi: be ready for them, orrighdj improve them. . . . . · 4~ AlaiS, faith the troubledheart; if'I knew ' my fiatc were Cafe, 1couldbe better fatisfi· ed I ·. .. .