l ' .r ' •' I ·. a'o lleart-Treafor~. . ed in thewant of comfort, but I h~vecaufe. ro-cal all into quefiion, I have been fo ba·rren andunprofitable under meanes of t-Jrace, or~. .dinances and providences~ 1may crie out my leannds, my leannefs, woe u'nto me, if there ~ad been any real good inmy foul., ic would. ~ave been more increafed under my long~ enjoyed helps. ' ' . ·. I anfwer, there is n~ver a foul under Hea~ veu, but bath fad caufc to complain under _,. ordinances and enj'oyments;' where is the man 5hat can Qand fonh, and~ay ~.e ha(h gathered,· 1n_harvcfr as much as he tptght _have done? ·our th,ere is .a pro'fiting eograce, and ingrace,.. · haft tho~ experiences of the form·er? haft thou' ~een wafced 'over by the boat of ordi– ilan'ce~ into ]efus Chri'fi,untoa£tare of grace;· 1 hop~.. tbo.u car:lft not d~nie this; wel then, , thou .h~aft :.~ttait1ed ~o th~ main proficiencie,' bl~fs God for that,' and for a progrefs ingr_ace,'' examine t.hy.felfa little more firifrlie, is not Jefus Chriff moreendeared to the~ ( do not, ' .;~ the things of God . relifli. be-tter with thee? ·.. dofl: thou hot more fcorn the Wodd, and all . 1) - preferments.that it pf!or.s tothee? is' no~· .tHy · prevailing· p~rpofe to cleave to<?od, nqtwitb:~ Jtanding oppofitions, more fixed and fetled' ip thj heart, .upon long experience of the waies of God doft tbou not every ,day fee . more deroonftrative realons to confirm thee , irJ thy choice of this better part? ar1dJet lne ask thee, whet Jer thouhaft not grown down– wards iri humilitic, fclf-den ial, ·h~tred of tin,,. love to the S.;linrs·? though rhoo can1t noel ' . fay