Heart-.Tre4[are.· · < · . . I . it1 an higherfphcat, an'd fome in.,a' tower l ,b.tft if chou be. fee iH this h~avenJie orbe o~ the_ Church, thou haft fom'e inft.tenceJ there is 1ioc a Finger or Toe in this bJdieo.f Chrift, . buc 'tis ot 1omc ure, al1'd cannot be fpJred ,~ but i'c·.wil be latnc ahd dcfettive, not a loop or pin-in this Tabcr'nade ot chc CbLirch; but as ,it fits up a ,rO'om, fo it qe·a~·s up ·fome Vv·eighc :' th1 e-body of Chnft hath tl(?edqf thee;· , nay, there's .nuc rhe_choicefl: me·mbers thac, c.an fay' t<:irhe tneandbin tire·Church,-. I have no need qf. t.hee,-· Paul, th011gh agreat Apo4. 1 fi t·e; fioc>d} in needot tbepraycrs of rhe m'ean'"'.t efi ChrHlian: an Iron l(ey m1y fometime~ open that Lock, that a filver one cannot cf,;. fetl:;. the,re's never a Safn.cin tbe Wadd, that.. · knows the gpod·d1at he d'otht nor fhal it be knoWtfto others the ufe he is of, , til he. be ea~ · k:n away~{ and then th(t place filal feel a lof( of hiln, a City~· a c ;,uhtry, and Kingdoroe·; . rtuy be fplrt!d upon rhe p-rayers and upright• ne1~ of oile,righteous perfotl :' ·Let not more·, worthy m~_nt:>crs . d~fpife the ignoble, fince they ca"nnJt be without tbctrl,' and ltt not in~ f'eriout me1nbers'envr.the mbre honourable/ ~eca~fe G0d app'oi'uteth ev·ery onehrs fiation, : and accepteth the:.n1'eanefi me1nbers f~itbfuk. krvic~, a·fweeper of Chimn~ysma.y,. honour, <God 1 n· hrs place, as·wel as a Pafior of fouls~ , in his : a plct~n· Chr'LO:ian in :1 leathernCoat.. rnay (if fa-ithful itr: nis: fi:atiQn)' do ,Gnd as ' rnuch fervice,·as'a great DoB:or in his purpl~~ R.ob~s: if thoube.ferious in the v/otkof God,~. thoa m·1yeft promore the catJfe of God ip tby . . ~ '-•mi-: