Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

~ 76 Htart·Tre4fure: welas the former, and (ometimes it is occafi~ ,oned by the natur~l levity, and ficklenefs ·of their fpirits, or other caufes, yet fiil the al– .mightyArme of Jeh9vtth isunder them,~· and ali his Saintsare in his hand, and though theft 'Jnftable fouls may not ex1:el, yet they ilial keep their hold, and ,every leap they take fhal let them nearer to Heaven,· ana lead them eo . . that immutable; fiate, where there is fulnefs .of )oy,. and R:ivers, of pleafure for ever ' ' more• . . I _ . Thws much for ·ant we.i: to fome Objell:ions:- 1 fhal now concludeall witha brief and feri• ,ous exhortation, and oh that I could per... fwadeand prevaile withall to look after their thiue in the treafure,fo largelyopened to you,.– methinks it lhould be an 'eafie thing toper-· fwade Men to ' embrace a treafure, but olt· how b~rd is it ~o . ing~ge Men to look after .a· ' rreafure for their Couls ~ I fee what a-wretch• . ed thing a carnal- heart is,. and· poor fouls– . £ght againfi their own interefi, and fodake- ,. their own mercy. · · · · .One ,Wc;>uld think that they, that are poor· In the Wodd, would be induced £0 confider ~f feme treafHre at 11ft; I befeech you, let· rea(on be bcird 1 argue rationally, and let your fouls be working in fuch thoughts as tbefe, Gad· hath caft my lot eo be in a mean; cfla:te~ and i· work hard for a bate living,. I~ rpile ai1d travel night andday,and I can fcatce g~i:- courfe Cloaths for my back, andfoo~ for ~ ·my·fdfand n1y F~mily, 1 would ha'-:e go~ {oinething.befove;.hand, but;l fee.it~ Wfl nt,x: . .." . - . db, A' , . I