Heart-TreaJ"'I: i8j rwas·wafted upon a Conduit, reaching the fpaceof 300. furlongs, b~t if you fpend your treafpre ~n maintaining wayes ~f c~nyeyance betwixt God and your beans, It wt11ncreafe your treafure, 'and ~eep uppeace ~ith G'!d» and peace of confcten~e ; commuaton wub God wil compofe all ;mutinous infurre6tio1lS in your ownbeans; pay toGod thecpafiant .irib~te of dMtY and obedience, give him the ·gloryot all,tha~ hehatbdone·fo1· you ; {weep· the Temple ot your hearts,. free it from aU duft and filth, prepareacleanly lodging for . this bte£fed gtleft;· che holy fpiric is compared to a Dove, and we know the Doveis a cleanJ. lycreature, and leaves its refidence when it ij defiled, fo wil the {pirit: be holy in all your conceptions, and in all manner of converfa- . cion, learn that bletfed· roo11d, ·tnat E'llic!J to0k of walkingwirb God, folate your fouls in him, fcornany thing that the World can offer, as a temptation to divert your heart.S intoanother Channel, ask the -World what it can giveJ that m·ay be a valuable conftdera• tion, ,for the lofs of communion with God,; ,make fucha challenge, as Sa11l did- ifi another ~afe, can the Son:· of Jtlft giV'e yotrfields and· Villeyards? _ ,fo can the World give m<! pardon of fin, pe"a.Ce of con!cience, grace here.· and gloryhereafter ~ if it fay ic can, ·believe . ir not, it'aa vain brag and loud lie~ like that of Sat~n's to Chrifi; if it cannot,· (as cer-) t·;tinly 'it cant1ot) why fhoulddl-th'bo Jea'Ve the- . (t!q!,lance, and·embracethe~fh~doW, ohmake obt · {o mad,~ fo' bad a bargain ;'. l ftand the , / more · ,. ' ·. . / .