Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

i8.6 lleart-Treafiiit. "- - · more upon this, becaufe there is danger; leG' you fuouldbe chea~ed out o! your treafure fDy theWorld, as D.-lzlllh begulledSawp{on, or as the Maid got the Apple out of ·the Giants handby fair mcanes, which the Champion~ could no£ wrefi our : Do not delight in tire ~ Creature, left it abate your content in God1 be not afraid of atniaio11·s that accompany godlinefs, you may get a larger increafe of your trea(ure by trouble, than by any othef meanes, as 'tis fioried of Tiherit~~, paffing by a Crofs that lay upon ~Matble,i;frone, and cau.fing the Cro{s to be digged op, found ' .i large trea.fure under tt•.: Cro{s, fomay anddo,, gracious fouls finde treaftircs under their· croffes• . · But eo~ draw to an end~ the Lord irigage ~11 your hearts [(j make futeof this treafure~ and to make much of this ·creafure1 lock it ~p in the iil•moft clofec of your hearts, lay it' out inwaiesof holinefs, a~ the Lord gives opportunity., taife up your hearrs· :~ea"en• wards, improV:efolicarinefs, do all the good, yoocan inyour· plaves, {anCl:ifie the name of ' God in all things you do t or refeive, watcli overyout b.wn fpirics 1 be faithful unto'. deatb; and he wil ,give you aCtownof life i 1~al conclude all witb 20 etegant exhortatiorrof· €Jpridn: thGUonly~hom the ~~avenly War.: fare hath fealed up tn ~hefe , fptrttual T eotsj keep incorrupt, keepfober ellis bleffed Difci.. plirte with religiou·svertues, lie thou diligent-. either in praying or reading, fometi~esfpeak· thou to God,. Comedmes hear God tpeak to~ thee '· ' . :1