Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

t!An· d PP E :JX'D!i Concerning Meditatiqn, with' fome helps~~ furrJtjb the thoughts .with fuitah/e andprofitAble , ~ · Subjetfs~ f-r'Hatthevacatit page~ may b'e{~pplyed, ir I 1 wil ~0~ be irnpertinent here ~0 ann('X a: Specimen' or Exa·mple, to hel'p rhe w,orking ihougbts, in·the great dutyof Mediratfon, ye·r. here r £hil nbt uqdertake to handle the corn-· mon~rp1a2e of Medirai iop,' ~hich yoq m:~y finde infified upon, purpJ{ely byMr. Fennir, Mr. Ball, Mr. Z~txter, ir~ his Saints Reft, ;;tOd mAny ocbers, and abundant examples thereof in thofe inc'omparable works of that reveren'd ·:~ , toncem'plativc Divine, DrG·Hall.; l3ut what' I (ha.l doon this..l~~half,.- is only to phr(ue the defign of the foregoing Treati{e, in prefent·' in£ fonie conJiderations, to help theCbrifli~ri to a treafure of good thoughts, that he may n .1t wa:1t any mnter Qf. MeQitation, \~here~ tv~r he is: before~I proceedc·o the ~xamples;,· 1ilial fpeak a.fe-~" vt ords-conterni-ng.thoughts); and good thoughts, and deliberate good thoughts in thedutyof Meditatiqoo . Thoughts in general (accnrdiog to·Scri-. pture} are the irncrnil ael:s of the fot11 ' · of· what