Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

/' I ~n_4ppendix concernint· but froth and fome, hanging on the flipperic ·rongues a:nd. cares .of -mucab1c men,· that cat;t kils aud kU with a breath and 'D~k ? and . .wbac are the fordid pleafures here below,.. .but fwinifh epicurifme, that debafe,the bell · pare of man, transforn1Men·intoBeafl:s,,and Jeavc a flinging guilt behinde them ? Alas,– my foul, ;Why wilt thou fet thine eyes upon· that wbfch· is nor? what wil riches avail thee tl sll{d:l}) cif wrath ? w~·ere is. the .hope of the hjpocnce, thoughhe ha~hgained the whole I World, when God t:iketh away his foul?' ~ whar was Cainbetter for all his fttir Cities, or Nimrod for his large Don1inions, pr .Abf~on for his be~aury, ot Achitophel for his policy,. or J u.da~ for his qags 1 or Dives for his deli~ate fare? Helkfire burqs ~p all there, and He~ven cannot be purchafed wich them : alas~. , the fafhion of the World paffetb away, ·and· when its gone, what'sa MarJ beerer for being, a Gentleman, a Knight; a Lord,. a Prince? t.Mors fceptrd ligonibsq tequat. · 14.' Let your thoughts be exerci[ed aboue· theprelent 1 and finalltate of all the Cllildren: pf Men, the vafi difference betwixt the goocl· Jncli bad,· the godlie and· the wicked,, in thi,s; World, and the Wor.ld to come, and thus Jec you~ heart·s be mu!ing , What chough the \Vi eked flouriili like a gre~nbay-rree, and d~· injoy r:he Worl~ at wil? theyare nor in trou·:. ble as 6th~r Men, but eat and drink ., and– laugh ~n.d play, ancf change their fporcs for more delight, and waol · t~1~ir fleps ipl)u~rer,_. and- b,a-ye more t-h~u· bean Oan Wi1Ji•: lR the" - X· mea~'· ., . / J I \ . I ' ' , I '· ...