Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

I I • > ' f03 4n Jpptndi,c concerning . fet a Deaths-head before your eyes,and think to this purpofe , oh wh~t a dying, fading · , crearu~~ am I ?, I dwell in a totterin&T~berI nade, 1na Houfe of clay, that's read1e to bee crufi1ed every moment like a moth, rhis vile bodyof' mine is made of perifhirig ingredi· ents, andmy life is like a vapour; 0 n1)j foul, thou lodgefi in abrittle cafe, how cer· ' tainly lhal, how fuddenly may it be broken? and then thou lanchef:t forth into ,the vafi1 Ocean of Eternitie : Death will fhorrly loofe the knot betwixt thefe old companions foul and body, Nature abhors a diffolution, but what faith Grace t is'the fling of death pluckt outbythe death of Chrifi? Hath the Lord of Life warmed and perfumed the Grave for thee? Canfi thou, 0 my foul, look tho– rough death at Glory ? and own it as thy Fathers Porter that takes thee by the hand to lead thee into his Palace and Prefence-Cham· her? furely if thou have a grounded fen[e ofGods love, rhou wile with the wc:aried Tra– veller long to be at home, and go to hed to take thy reft, thou wilt defire to be di{{olv– ed and tobewith Chrifi, w(hich isbefi: of all: o'nely be {ure, poor foul , that thy work bee not to do when thy time is done ; I get rea- -– die for that fatal firoak, it is a folemn bufi– neffe to dye, it is but once to be done, and it Inufi be well done, or thou art undon~ fO'r e• ~ ver: look U?onevery cfavas the lafi day, de... fer not at~ot her day to repent and make chy r ~~~c~ with God, that thou maifi pe found of _11!11 In peace. - · -~7 Paf~ ' I -