Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

,., .. · .. SuijeE/sfor holythought~; jlj ~· tcfe Ordinances, mercies, hopes of Heaven; ;– they fhall never hear Sermon more, aor en- ·' · ..jciy i day of grace again; ~bove t~em is the ~ wrath 'of tbe Lamb, whd{e melnng bowels are tu'rned into a'·can!urrii?g fir~ to themj under them is the devounng Lake of fire · ;u1d Brimfi:one gaping to receive them; on. the,ir right haad an~ the bleffed Saints whom ~ they defpifed, triumphing in the execution . of I uflice on them , and entring into theiJ: · Mafters joy ; on the left band fiands that curfed Fiend w.ho drew them into fin, now. as ready, todraw them into ·f:lell to be_ tor~ mented with himfelf for ever ; behind them , are their fhort _and forry pleafurc:s in this World, and .. n1ulticudes of abominations -in : wiCked life ;-before them is ~ {ad Eternity· ofnever-ceafing torments; within· them is a gnawing confcience '; without them the faddeft objeCts that evet eyes beheld ; ol<i 'Companions in fin roaringunder wrath;·. le• gions of Devils blafpetningGod, and fcourg•: ing their fellow prifoners, their belovedMi~ , 0 • nion the World all in 'a flame; and them.; felves fire ~brands therein for ever; 0 my foul, think on the{e aolorous fubjetts tome'! times, and let i.twork kindly on thy,heart, to make thee efchew theway.to Hell' 1 an~ to Wlllk in the way to Heaven: ~ . ·_ · .•,. On the contrary, 0 myfoul, mount up to Heaven in thy:contemplations , {oa~ above .the Clouds , and take a viewof Pa~ ra:dife , . as·· foon as the Bridegroom of his ~qqrch b~th admit~hisb11loy~SPQUl"e fn.l .,__'i ~~. t . \ l '•