Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

' ' 3~~,: ':J11 App~ndi~ c6ncerning:-' po his Prefence·.chamber;O the raviiliing joys; ~nd f\vccr embraces at this bleffed meeting~ fleaven _ec~hoes · again at the triumphant lJalltlttj~hJ of ·a!l the' Redeemed ones: how . lhall ' farrow and · figbiQg flee. away ? Sin ~nd fickndle fuafl be known uo n1orc, Sa~ ~ban with his fiery darts ; and wicked men JYith .their dra. wh - (words cannot reach tbi-.r ~her; - there ibaJl be no roar~ ~on1plaintS· of Jgnoranc and erroneous beads, .of dea~ 2.1Jd bard, unbelieving ·aod difiracted beans, of lame pecrcpit. feet, there fi)all not be a tear upon a Saints cheek, .for God will .wipe a– ~vay , teares frQtn all Faces , not one cpm~ pla,int heard, nothing but joy and .triumph, folace ·and fatisfaili on, the bldfed prefence of.the 'ererdal God.fhal be all in all to thefe ~liappic ~ {ouls ·: · Gh:what is a fight of Cbod We>nh-l bnLW'hat will jc -be above , where · J·t is i1.nri1ediarc., conftant and .u~1-interrupc-. eA ?. ·:no. t1eed there·ofOrdinances, God him– f-elf wiU be _i'nfrntd of all,,·it wil be another kind_of enj oviri·g of God then :poor fouls f~l.t in .this .. \~odd, though rhac ·was fweec, f.~{ tliis :fu .:dl ibc. infiDitely (weeter; now at c.tbe ·beil wee {ee but thro.ugh a glafs dark– ~ly; tl1tn !ace to face ; comm~1nion wich ~ ~Go~l ,is rhe Heaven of that Heaven, yet llial . h~t~ b~ every rhing beautiful and defirable ~ ±h~~·e rrlv foul fil.a.l be ·fi ilccl .with. all perfe- ,r idn ·~ :a,.nd.Gtace fba l b~ coplpleat, the mind , .~ . ~ ~11. ~~1 in~a1 \t haye ~s ·1.ar~e - a compre'! ' 'le'~ {'ton; as SAlom-o.n, or 4d!!~ In i Jncceocy, ,~ y. · · · ~ ~ ~,bee ~· ~on formed · to the divine I ' • ~ ' . ' ' ' • Wil '