Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

) , SubjeEls. fo~ boly · t.bougbis~ ~~j Wil in a pe.rfetl re61:it'ude atid integrity, my af:le~ions {hal be {pirituallie apd regularlie · fixed on the ·Lord my. God with fulneffe .ot delight and joy, my body fual fbine as 't,~ the brightndH: of the Firmament , ·yea, it 1hal ,be made like unto the. glorious bo;. . dy of Jefus Chrifi, my whole man fhal be fie .for rhe high emploimenc in Heaven, and el)jqimept of God .: there {ball I meet ·with .Abraham, and ·all the Patriarchs, Prophets, .Apufiles, Martyrs, a.nd .aJ:l my Chrifiian Friends .tbat died in ·the Faith'; and oh tbe · fpri-tful joies that wil ai·ife fromJuch a l5lcf., fed fight ! · There .wee fhal meet, and part · po more, agree , and fall out no more., re-, joice tog~ther, .and be fad no more : Oh bldied Day 1~ my foul, be thou revived in the fore· thoughts· a·n~ fore~iafis thereof. · . . 2:0. Once more, ·then, ,0 my foul , and but this once, fix thy -thought.s upon Eterni"" t.Y ; how canfi ·thou forget it ?· What is t~1iS forry point of time i.n comparifon of tb·e vaft OceanofEternitie? Abs poor mer• ~ tal~, a a:. a. part Upon chis Sta.ge a while, and ;thenare go Fe intO- ~oother 'NVorld, that muft endure for ever ·; ~ ·- tqis little jnch of .time is a feed-plot for Eternitie·~~ upon ·the ,wel or ill: iJ!lproving of this time depends an ever– lafl:ing fiatc ia weal or woeaOh tvhat wretch- . .eQ folly .is it. ·eo lofe eternal happinetle for a ·tran!ient draught of {en{ual ·delight ! Oh ' what would riot any endure here ' a fuort mo,merit, to ·· efcape eternal torments ! Me- " ~h.in~s nothing ·. ha~ weight h~ jc, but /as· it 0: re~ I /·