V - ' ~ j14 ~n Jppendix con.ctrni~Ji ' ' .relate! 'to Eternity ; -Ecernitie is the onely accent and emphafis of joy and forrow ; this is that which makes the joyes of Hea- ., ven j oyes indeed, and the, torments ot Hell ,' torments' wi'th a wicneile : Oh for a poor damned foul that bath been, ~s it were, a · tboufand year~s, thoufand tboufands of A· / ges roaring in ~ell, to think that it is not one moment ne~rer an end than at firfi in– fiaot when it was caft into that devouring fire : This cuts to the heart, this adds new . :. terrours to the defp~iring foul ; here lllUfi I abide for ever. Oh that I might be con· fnmed {o as not eo be, cannnr, may not I .poor wretch bee once at lafi annihilat~cl, , .and be ~s if l never had been ? No no, once in Hel and for over in Hel , the gre.at · Gulf ot · Gods- Decree once fixt is irre· -– vocable : fo ' on the contrary , Eternitie · encreafe~h every moment tbe joy of thegl9· rified , · here I am, and here 1 fhal bee for _ever, faith the happy (oul, my efiate is bet· · rer than .Aa11ms in the earthly, or the f~I· len ·Angels in the Heavet,~ly P~Jr~tdife, I {bal never lofe thefe joves : ' Oh what a dura· rable reward h~ve 1 for a little temporarJ fervice, my forrow is pafi, my joy remains: how comes it ro patfe that tho{e light affli• £tions that were but for a moment have wrought out for 'me this ·exceeding and e· · ternal weight of Glorie ~ ~urely becau{e it was mv Fathers good pleafure to give me this Kingdome, this 'f.tttnal Lif' is the gift of God ~ QP, ~ who WO\.dd po~ do Ot . · ~ ~nd\l~~