Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

Su.bjef/Jfor boiJ .tbs~gbt$; , }iS~ endure any thing for ~his eternityof joys? ;Thus die foul wil l?arhe, ·it ·felf ,in rhete Ri– vers of pleafures a,t .G.~d! rigbt htt~4 for tfler-_ ~.~ . I I have ·no\V · difpatcht · tpefe fe.t and fo-' lemn {u~jetl:s for your thoughts to work up– 'o11 '; ~ fiial but bri~fly ~add fom~ occa.fional grounds for holy ,thoughts, Wthtch . ( tt yott,... . have aright f~ame qt fpirit) Y.OU may g~~ .ther.. n1ucij, from, eo be a fufJictent Tr€afure Jor heavenly Thoughts. Ta~e fome infian· 'ces iLT fuch as thefe : · ,. 1. VVhen ybu ·awake io the m·orning; · .think the great .'fehovah can, and wit a:s ea• fil y raife our m~:>rtCJ.l bodies at the _general ' Refurrefliorn , as my frail body now .; ·this tleep i.~ ~be Image of dea~h, D~ath is b~t a. Deep, the Grave my Bed·, the Refurre6H- / pn the Morning ;·i ·-oh that when I awake, .J might be fiil with .c;od, and then af my laft awaking, 1 j1Mll /Je /Atufied with hu lilt.'· n~f,, and the upright thal hav~ dominiQn-in taat bJeiled,Morning. :· · . . _,;. YVhen· you have had a good night,· think , bleifed be die keeper .of ·lfrt~el_, thflt - ,H~ith(r fl#m~~rl' '·nlr:·fletpl' .. the Lord DHC!J !:l'~l(u ··rp:e ~ dwell..~:n. {Jf~t}~ even thiN · he1 givt~ l~f:f- bel~fl!d :.{l~tp ?. ' an.d if.na~ural fleep_.6e fo refre£b.1ng) tO~ ·,• \¥~at lS tt - to lye 10 the armes ~ my: beft Beloved Chrift? what foft – "·nd' {weet 1 embraces: have chofe {ouls· that W~~~ a1t the da.y.'fn~~e ~~ighc of pi$ Counte· , ~ .... • .... . ,'("·1 ... -~- ~ " .{ ... ' ~- ~ • r ' . . . - nance~ ' I r " I .• ' , . \