Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

' ' I . ' i!·' 'An Jppendix concerning ' . nance ? and Deep all the night of affii6l:ion / upon the lap of his Love! 3.• VVhen you are putting on your Ap– parrd, Think, 'how came I to the ·ne~ffitie of covering my nakedneile? By .Adams fall, fin u&ered in fbame , and thefe garments hide our fhame, Jhal I then glory in my fhame , ·- or be proud of that for wbioh I fhould be humbled ? 0 rather let me be rru• ly feniible of my fpiritual nakednets , and look after the Robts of Chrifis Righteouf~ 11efs to cover my fouls deforn1iry, · rha.t the , fbame thereof may not appear: 4·· VVhen you fee the Morning-sky, or rHing Sun, then think, truly Light is{weer, t and it's. a pleafant lhing for the eyes to be· bold th1s Sun; bleffed be God that math fet up thi~ Candle by which poor mottals may fee J<'> ·walk or work, what ·a dark Dunge· pn, and confufed.Chaos would this World be without it ! But oh the bleffed Mercie w~e ,have in the light 'of the glorious Gof-. pel 1· without which ·wee fuould b~ in the · darkneffe of ignorance) · and go toutter dark~ .. nefs: · . . · · ·S. When you pray in your 'Chambers; think nowmyFather ,.in Heaven fees me · in fecrer,. darknds or cloferiefs hides·llot from bim, my God fees the motions pf my body~ ahd imaginations of my heart, ..Oh for an upright frame <!>f fpirit ! Oh ' that my hearc ' ' .were n·ow {eafoned for God all this day? ~he fearcbe~ of hearts wil have his eye upon - ~· · me ••• 4 •